Vindaar / TimepixAnalysis

Contains code related to calibration and analysis of Timepix based detector + CAST related code
MIT License
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Event headers table should be a typed object #51

Open Vindaar opened 2 years ago

Vindaar commented 2 years ago

Currently the event (and lesser extent run) header table that still originates from the Virtex TOS ascii data days is kept as a Table[string, string] after parsing & until writing to the H5 file in raw_data_manipulation.

This is both error prone (in the sense of typos etc.) and very inefficient, as the majority of fields (but not all, e.g. "DateTime") are actually integers.

In addition for other data sources, e.g. Timepix3, data doesn't even arrive in string format. So we have an especially unnecessary back and forth conversions to string land.

Instead we should:

with theoretical implementation ideas like:

  EventHeader = 
    dateTime: DateTime
    timestamp: int
    case timepix: TimepixVersion # or TOS version field?
    of Timepix1:
      useHvFadc: bool

or alternatively:

  EventHeaderFieldKind = enum
    ekString, ekBool, ekFloat, ekDateTime
  EventHeaderField = object
    case kind: EventHeaderFieldKind
    of ekString: s: string
    of ekBool: b: bool


I'd do it now, but it touches too many procedures etc. to quickly make the change.

This would also allow us to get rid of fully optional fields like useHvFadc in detectors / data sources for which it makes no sense etc.

The first solution has the advantage of being fully typed, while the second still allows for trivial extensions (i.e. adding a new scintillator field etc.).

The good thing about the second one is that at that point the code simplifies significantly as we have all type information ready in the table. So we don't have to hardcode the fields that are e.g. int or string anymore and can just check the kind of the field and generate a correct resulting H5Dataset based on that. Maybe that's the best of both worlds.

Vindaar commented 2 years ago

In addition the timestamp information for Timepix3 data is of course much more precise than up to a single second resolution. Therefore in the current implementation we even throw away that precision for Tpx3. With a variant object in theory we could even have different timestamp types for Timepix1 and Timepix3 (but personally I'd probably just switch over from int to float for all of them.