Vindaar / ggplotnim

A port of ggplot2 for Nim
MIT License
175 stars 15 forks source link

could not load: lapack.dll #133

Open sdmcallister opened 2 years ago

sdmcallister commented 2 years ago

Running windows 10, Nim 1.6

Successfully installed ggplotnim:

 Installing ggplotnim@0.4.8
   Success: ggplotnim installed successfully.

Tried to run:

import ggplotnim
import ggplotnim/ggplot_vega
let mpg = toDf(readCsv("data/mpg.csv"))
ggplot(mpg, aes(x = "displ", y = "cty", color = "class")) +
  geom_point() +
  ggtitle("ggplotnim in Vega-Lite!") +
  ggvega("rSimpleVegaLite.html") # w/o arg creates a `/tmp/vega_lite_plot.html`


:\Users\mcallistst\Desktop\test>nim r plotnim.nim
Hint: used config file 'C:\Users\mcallistst\nim\nim-1.6.0\config\nim.cfg' [Conf]
Hint: used config file 'C:\Users\mcallistst\nim\nim-1.6.0\config\config.nims' [Conf]
Hint: used config file 'C:\Users\mcallistst\Desktop\test\config.nims' [Conf]
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\nimblas-0.2.2\nimblas\private\common.nim(50, 7) Hint: Using BLAS library with name: blas.dll [User]
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\nimlapack-0.2.0\nimlapack.nim(19, 7) Hint: Using LAPACK library with name: lapack.dll [User]
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\datamancer-0.1.8\datamancer\dataframe.nim(1496, 29) template/generic instantiation of `{}` from here
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\datamancer-0.1.8\datamancer\formula.nim(818, 12) Warning: What kind? nnkIdent in node false [User]
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\datamancer-0.1.8\datamancer\dataframe.nim(1496, 29) template/generic instantiation of `{}` from here
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\datamancer-0.1.8\datamancer\formula.nim(818, 12) Warning: What kind? nnkBracketExpr in node df[localCol][idx] [User]
FormulaNode(name: "(== isNull(df[localCol][idx]).toBool false)",
            colName: "(== isNull(df[localCol][idx]).toBool false)",
            kind: fkVector, resType: toColKind(type(bool)), fnV: proc (
    df: DataFrame): Column =
  let localColT = df[localCol, Value]
  var res = newTensor[bool](df.len)
  for idx in 0 ..< df.len:
    res[idx] = isNull(localColT[idx]).toBool == false
  result = toColumn res)
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\ggplotnim-0.4.8\ggplotnim\postprocess_scales.nim(86, 7) template/generic instantiation of `closureScope` from here
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\ggplotnim-0.4.8\ggplotnim\postprocess_scales.nim(91, 19) template/generic instantiation of `{}` from here
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\datamancer-0.1.8\datamancer\formula.nim(818, 12) Warning: What kind? nnkBracketExpr in node df[col.toStr][idx] [User]
FormulaNode(name: "(~ colStr (ms.trans df[col.toStr][idx]))", colName: colStr,
            kind: fkVector, resType: toColKind(type(float)), fnV: proc (
    df: DataFrame): Column =
  let coltoStrT = df[col.toStr, float]
  var res = newTensor[float](df.len)
  forEach r in res,coltoStrIdx in coltoStrT:
    r = ms.trans(coltoStrIdx)
  result = toColumn res)
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\ggplotnim-0.4.8\ggplotnim\postprocess_scales.nim(236, 39) template/generic instantiation of `{}` from here
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\datamancer-0.1.8\datamancer\formula.nim(818, 12) Warning: What kind? nnkAccQuoted in node `keys` [User]
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\ggplotnim-0.4.8\ggplotnim\postprocess_scales.nim(236, 39) template/generic instantiation of `{}` from here
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\datamancer-0.1.8\datamancer\formula.nim(818, 12) Warning: What kind? nnkIdent in node existKeys [User]
FormulaNode(name: "(notin keys existKeys)", colName: "(notin keys existKeys)",
            kind: fkVector, resType: toColKind(type(bool)), fnV: proc (
    df: DataFrame): Column =
  let keys = df["keys", string]
  var res = newTensor[bool](df.len)
  for idx in 0 ..< df.len:
    res[idx] = keys[idx] notin existKeys
  result = toColumn res)
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\ggplotnim-0.4.8\ggplotnim\postprocess_scales.nim(237, 28) template/generic instantiation of `{}` from here
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\datamancer-0.1.8\datamancer\formula.nim(1106, 14) Warning: Formula (~ countCol 0) has a mismatch between given formula kind:
        `~` (mapping)
and automatically determined formula kind:
        << (reducing)
Please adjust the given kind to `<<`. [User]
FormulaNode(name: "(~ countCol 0)", colName: countCol, kind: fkVector,
            resType: toColKind(type(int)), fnV: proc (df: DataFrame): Column =
  var res = newTensor[int](df.len)
  forEach r in res:
    r = 0
  result = toColumn res)
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\ggplotnim-0.4.8\ggplotnim\postprocess_scales.nim(276, 23) template/generic instantiation of `{}` from here
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\datamancer-0.1.8\datamancer\formula.nim(818, 12) Warning: What kind? nnkBracketExpr in node df[maxName][idx] [User]
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\ggplotnim-0.4.8\ggplotnim\postprocess_scales.nim(276, 23) template/generic instantiation of `{}` from here
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\datamancer-0.1.8\datamancer\formula.nim(818, 12) Warning: What kind? nnkBracketExpr in node df[minName][idx] [User]
FormulaNode(name: "(- (~ height df[maxName][idx]) df[minName][idx])",
            colName: "height", kind: fkVector, resType: toColKind(type(float)), fnV: proc (
    df: DataFrame): Column =
    maxNameT = df[maxName, float]
    minNameT = df[minName, float]
  var res = newTensor[float](df.len)
  forEach r in res,maxNameIdx in maxNameT,minNameIdx in minNameT:
    r = maxNameIdx - minNameIdx
  result = toColumn res)
FormulaNode(name: "(~ yColName df[minName][idx])", colName: yColName,
            kind: fkVector, resType: toColKind(type(float)), fnV: proc (
    df: DataFrame): Column =
  let minNameT = df[minName, float]
  var res = newTensor[float](df.len)
  forEach r in res,minNameIdx in minNameT:
    r = minNameIdx
  result = toColumn res)
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\ggplotnim-0.4.8\ggplotnim\postprocess_scales.nim(294, 23) template/generic instantiation of `{}` from here
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\datamancer-0.1.8\datamancer\formula.nim(818, 12) Warning: What kind? nnkBracketExpr in node df[maxName][idx] [User]
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\ggplotnim-0.4.8\ggplotnim\postprocess_scales.nim(294, 23) template/generic instantiation of `{}` from here
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\datamancer-0.1.8\datamancer\formula.nim(818, 12) Warning: What kind? nnkBracketExpr in node df[minName][idx] [User]
FormulaNode(name: "(- (~ width df[maxName][idx]) df[minName][idx])",
            colName: "width", kind: fkVector, resType: toColKind(type(float)), fnV: proc (
    df: DataFrame): Column =
    maxNameT = df[maxName, float]
    minNameT = df[minName, float]
  var res = newTensor[float](df.len)
  forEach r in res,maxNameIdx in maxNameT,minNameIdx in minNameT:
    r = maxNameIdx - minNameIdx
  result = toColumn res)
FormulaNode(name: "(~ xColName df[minName][idx])", colName: xColName,
            kind: fkVector, resType: toColKind(type(float)), fnV: proc (
    df: DataFrame): Column =
  let minNameT = df[minName, float]
  var res = newTensor[float](df.len)
  forEach r in res,minNameIdx in minNameT:
    r = minNameIdx
  result = toColumn res)
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\ggplotnim-0.4.8\ggplotnim\postprocess_scales.nim(326, 23) template/generic instantiation of `{}` from here
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\datamancer-0.1.8\datamancer\formula.nim(818, 12) Warning: What kind? nnkBracketExpr in node df[maxName][idx] [User]
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\ggplotnim-0.4.8\ggplotnim\postprocess_scales.nim(326, 23) template/generic instantiation of `{}` from here
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\datamancer-0.1.8\datamancer\formula.nim(818, 12) Warning: What kind? nnkBracketExpr in node df[minName][idx] [User]
FormulaNode(name: "(- (~ height df[maxName][idx]) df[minName][idx])",
            colName: "height", kind: fkVector, resType: toColKind(type(float)), fnV: proc (
    df: DataFrame): Column =
    maxNameT = df[maxName, float]
    minNameT = df[minName, float]
  var res = newTensor[float](df.len)
  forEach r in res,maxNameIdx in maxNameT,minNameIdx in minNameT:
    r = maxNameIdx - minNameIdx
  result = toColumn res)
FormulaNode(name: "(~ yColName df[minName][idx])", colName: yColName,
            kind: fkVector, resType: toColKind(type(float)), fnV: proc (
    df: DataFrame): Column =
  let minNameT = df[minName, float]
  var res = newTensor[float](df.len)
  forEach r in res,minNameIdx in minNameT:
    r = minNameIdx
  result = toColumn res)
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\ggplotnim-0.4.8\ggplotnim\postprocess_scales.nim(346, 23) template/generic instantiation of `{}` from here
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\datamancer-0.1.8\datamancer\formula.nim(818, 12) Warning: What kind? nnkBracketExpr in node df[maxName][idx] [User]
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\ggplotnim-0.4.8\ggplotnim\postprocess_scales.nim(346, 23) template/generic instantiation of `{}` from here
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\datamancer-0.1.8\datamancer\formula.nim(818, 12) Warning: What kind? nnkBracketExpr in node df[minName][idx] [User]
FormulaNode(name: "(- (~ width df[maxName][idx]) df[minName][idx])",
            colName: "width", kind: fkVector, resType: toColKind(type(float)), fnV: proc (
    df: DataFrame): Column =
    maxNameT = df[maxName, float]
    minNameT = df[minName, float]
  var res = newTensor[float](df.len)
  forEach r in res,maxNameIdx in maxNameT,minNameIdx in minNameT:
    r = maxNameIdx - minNameIdx
  result = toColumn res)
FormulaNode(name: "(~ xColName df[minName][idx])", colName: xColName,
            kind: fkVector, resType: toColKind(type(float)), fnV: proc (
    df: DataFrame): Column =
  let minNameT = df[minName, float]
  var res = newTensor[float](df.len)
  forEach r in res,minNameIdx in minNameT:
    r = minNameIdx
  result = toColumn res)
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\ggplotnim-0.4.8\ggplotnim\ggplot_vega.nim(214, 22) template/generic instantiation of `fn` from here
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\datamancer-0.1.8\datamancer\formula.nim(818, 12) Warning: What kind? nnkAccQuoted in node `displ` [User]
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\ggplotnim-0.4.8\ggplotnim\ggplot_vega.nim(214, 22) template/generic instantiation of `fn` from here
C:\Users\mcallistst\.nimble\pkgs\datamancer-0.1.8\datamancer\formula.nim(818, 12) Warning: What kind? nnkAccQuoted in node `binWidths` [User]
FormulaNode(name: "(+ (~ binEnd displ) binWidths)", colName: "binEnd",
            kind: fkVector, resType: toColKind(type(float)), fnV: proc (
    df: DataFrame): Column =
    displ = df["displ", float]
    binWidths = df["binWidths", float]
  var res = newTensor[float](df.len)
  forEach r in res,displIdx in displ,binWidthsIdx in binWidths:
    r = displIdx + binWidthsIdx
  result = toColumn res)
C:\Users\mcallistst\Desktop\test\plotnim.nim(3, 11) Warning: `toDf` is not required anymore, because `readCsv` already returns an actual `DataFrame` nowadays. Feel free to remove the `toDf` call.; toDf is deprecated [Deprecated]
CC: adler32
CC: compress
CC: crc32
CC: deflate
CC: gzclose
CC: gzlib
CC: gzread
CC: gzwrite
CC: infback
CC: inffast
CC: inflate
CC: inftrees
CC: trees
CC: uncompr
CC: zutil
CC: read
CC: write
CC: stdlib_digitsutils.nim
CC: stdlib_assertions.nim
CC: stdlib_formatfloat.nim
CC: stdlib_dollars.nim
CC: stdlib_widestrs.nim
CC: stdlib_io.nim
CC: stdlib_system.nim
CC: stdlib_hashes.nim
CC: stdlib_math.nim
CC: stdlib_parseutils.nim
CC: stdlib_unicode.nim
CC: stdlib_strutils.nim
CC: stdlib_streams.nim
CC: stdlib_lexbase.nim
CC: stdlib_options.nim
CC: stdlib_dynlib.nim
CC: stdlib_winlean.nim
CC: stdlib_times.nim
CC: stdlib_pathnorm.nim
CC: stdlib_win_setenv.nim
CC: stdlib_os.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/chroma-0.2.5/chroma/names.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/chroma-0.2.5/chroma/colortypes.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/chroma-0.2.5/chroma/transformations.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/chroma-0.2.5/chroma.nim
CC: stdlib_strformat.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/seqmath-0.1.12/seqmath/sutil.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/seqmath-0.1.12/seqmath/smath.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/ginger-0.3.6/ginger/types.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/ginger-0.3.6/ginger/backendCairo.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/ginger-0.3.6/ginger.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/arraymancer-0.7.8/arraymancer/laser/tensor/datatypes.nim
CC: stdlib_monotimes.nim
CC: stdlib_random.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/arraymancer-0.7.8/arraymancer/laser/private/nested_containers.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/arraymancer-0.7.8/arraymancer/laser/tensor/initialization.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/arraymancer-0.7.8/arraymancer/tensor/init_cpu.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/arraymancer-0.7.8/arraymancer/tensor/accessors_macros_syntax.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/arraymancer-0.7.8/arraymancer/tensor/private/p_accessors_macros_desugar.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/arraymancer-0.7.8/arraymancer/tensor/operators_comparison.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/arraymancer-0.7.8/arraymancer/tensor/private/p_display.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/arraymancer-0.7.8/arraymancer/laser/cpuinfo_x86.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/arraymancer-0.7.8/arraymancer/tensor/operators_logical.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/arraymancer-0.7.8/arraymancer/tensor/math_functions.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/arraymancer-0.7.8/arraymancer/tensor/optim_ops_fusion.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/arraymancer-0.7.8/arraymancer/ml/clustering/dbscan.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/nimlapack-0.2.0/nimlapack.nim
CC: stdlib_nativesockets.nim
CC: stdlib_base64.nim
CC: stdlib_httpcore.nim
CC: stdlib_asyncfutures.nim
CC: stdlib_asyncdispatch.nim
CC: stdlib_httpclient.nim
CC: stdlib_logging.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/arraymancer-0.7.8/arraymancer/datasets/imdb.nim
CC: stdlib_memfiles.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/stb_image-2.5/stb_image/write.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/arraymancer-0.7.8/arraymancer/nlp/tokenizers.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/arraymancer-0.7.8/arraymancer/tensor/einsum.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/datamancer-0.1.8/datamancer/value.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/datamancer-0.1.8/datamancer/column.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/datamancer-0.1.8/datamancer/df_types.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/datamancer-0.1.8/datamancer/formulaExp.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/datamancer-0.1.8/datamancer/formula.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/datamancer-0.1.8/datamancer/dataframe.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/datamancer-0.1.8/datamancer/io.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/ggplotnim-0.4.8/ggplotnim/ggplot_types.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/ggplotnim-0.4.8/ggplotnim/ggplot_scales.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/ggplotnim-0.4.8/ggplotnim/ggplot_theme.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/ggplotnim-0.4.8/ggplotnim/ggplot_ticks.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/ggplotnim-0.4.8/ggplotnim/colormaps/viridisRaw.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/ggplotnim-0.4.8/ggplotnim/ggplot_styles.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/polynumeric-0.2.0/polynumeric.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/scinim-0.2.2/scinim/signals/filters.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/ggplotnim-0.4.8/ggplotnim/postprocess_scales.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/ggplotnim-0.4.8/ggplotnim/collect_and_fill.nim
CC: stdlib_parsejson.nim
CC: stdlib_json.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/ggplotnim-0.4.8/ggplotnim.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/webview-0.1.0/webview.nim
CC: ../../.nimble/pkgs/ggplotnim-0.4.8/ggplotnim/ggplot_vega.nim
CC: plotnim.nim
Hint:  [Link]
Hint: gc: refc; opt: none (DEBUG BUILD, `-d:release` generates faster code)
216849 lines; 24.461s; 537.789MiB peakmem; proj: C:\Users\mcallistst\Desktop\test\plotnim.nim; out: C:\Users\mcallistst\nimcache\plotnim_d\plotnim_DF6D6F2080FD85F1BEF57F4234EF6E60111CB904.exe [SuccessX]
Hint: C:\Users\mcallistst\nimcache\plotnim_d\plotnim_DF6D6F2080FD85F1BEF57F4234EF6E60111CB904.exe  [Exec]
could not load: lapack.dll
Error: execution of an external program failed: 
Vindaar commented 2 years ago

Ouch, this is the downside of adding geom_smooth (#127). geom_smooth internally uses BLAS to solve a linear least squares problem for the Savitzky-Golay filters.

I didn't quite realize that dead code elimination wouldn't actually eliminate the dependency, as long as geom_smooth is not used. :/ Especially for Windows is a bit of a pain.

The "solution" for you would be to get BLAS & LAPACK running on Windows... But that's not really a good solution as the dependency really shouldn't be there unless the relevant functionalities are used. The offending code is here:

(and the filledSmoothGeom below that calling it of course).

I will try to come up with a solution somehow.

edit: In the CI I use msys2 to install the dependencies, see here:

I'm not sure if using msys2 could be a (temporary?) solution for you.

edit 2: Curiously though, compiling this example on my linux machine does not lead to a blas or lapack dependence. Not sure if this is Windows fault?

sdmcallister commented 2 years ago


Just flagging mainly to help target issues that may impact new users, and I appreciate the suggestions. Cairo is a pain on windows, as you warn in the Readme, so I thought I might try it with the vega-lite backend.

Is using Pixie instead of Cairo possible/desirable?

Vindaar commented 2 years ago

Yes, that was indeed a good idea. In the CI I also use msys2 to install cairo, but there we have at least a few known options so far.

At the moment the Vega-Lite backend is not quite intended as an independent backend to avoid the Cairo dependency. While that would be possible, I simply didn't have that in mind when writing the code. So currently you'll still end up with a libcairo dependency even if you only call the Vega-Lite backend (at least I think so). However, you can already achieve Cairo less compilation, if you compile with -d:noCairo, which replaces the actual ginger Cairo backend with a dummy backend. But since it's not needed for the Vega-Lite backend that should just work.

Confusingly I just checked whether compilation with -d:noCairo does indeed get rid of the cairo dependency, but for some reason it still shows up via objdump / ldd and I have no clue why right now. I'm a bit stumped. (see edit below)

On another note, I just realized (from looking at the Nimble file) that for the Windows CI I also compile with -d:lapack=liblapack because apparently the naming is different (at least for the msys2 lapack).

And regarding a Pixie backend: this is in the works by @zetashift. An example plot using that backend can be found here:

edit: Just dug into the spurious cairo appearance. Yeah, the reason for suddenly depending on cairo even if compiling with -d:noCairo is simply because we use the webview library. It uses gtk on linux, which depends on cairo. It's very simple to just offer a pure JSON / HTML based output version of the Vega-Lite backend, if so desired (that already exists using ggvegaCreate which returns a JsonNode, but not in such a way to avoid a webview dependency).

Vindaar commented 2 years ago

PR #143 adds a -d:nolapack option to disable geom_smooth and with it the LAPACK dependency. This isn't a perfect solution, but it's at least a workaround.

Vindaar commented 2 years ago

PR #143 adds a -d:nolapack option to disable geom_smooth and with it the LAPACK dependency. This isn't a perfect solution, but it's at least a workaround.

PR #143 is now merged and v0.5.0 tagged. Hopefully compiling with -d:nolapack should yield no lapack dependency anymore.