Vinetos / Tranquille

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Migrate from GreenDao to something else #6

Open Vinetos opened 3 months ago

Vinetos commented 3 months ago

GreenDAO is not FOSS as the gradle plugin is still not opens-sourced. We have to select another database library in order to be FOSS and be published on F-Droid

Penaz91 commented 3 months ago

Hello! I have been following the development of this fork since I saw your post on YACB's gitlab. Seems that another repository I follow has run onto the same issue as yours:

In this precise case, SQLDelight was used, but the issue lists some alternatives that you may want to check out. Hopefully this helps a bit!

Vinetos commented 3 months ago

Hello ! Thank you for letting me know. I am currently looking for an alternative that could match the current behaviour.

I will have a look at this issue to see how they resolved this !

Vinetos commented 2 months ago

SQLDelight seems to be an good alternative and make the transition path easy enough. I think this it what we will use.

Vinetos commented 1 month ago

I am pinning this issue as it takes me a lot of work before doing other one !

licaon-kter commented 1 month ago

Can you drop the plugin and include the generated part, eg:

Vinetos commented 4 weeks ago

Yep, that something I will do very soon.

linsui commented 2 weeks ago

The source code is published.

Vinetos commented 2 weeks ago

If the plugin is effectively the one used, migration to the open-srouced version will be easier as YACB is strongly linked to greenDAO work.
I have notified F-Droid team that greenDAO is open-sourced, if the app is then accepted to the store, I will close this issue or mark it as "good to have one day".

licaon-kter commented 2 weeks ago

@Vinetos you do know that (the actual reason for the plugin) is no longer developed right?

Vinetos commented 2 weeks ago

Indeed, transitioning to SQLDelight is on my agenda, albeit it's more of a desirable enhancement rather than an immediate necessity. In my perspective, the majority of the work for SQLDelight has been accomplished. However, due to time constraints, I haven't been able to finalize and thoroughly test the migration process.

Probably a two step transition is possible and easier to perform : 1 - remove greendao and use generated models as-it-is 2 - add sqldelight for a better database management