Vinifera-Developers / Vinifera

Vinifera is a C&C: Tiberian Sun engine extension implementing new logics and fixing bugs.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[New Feature] Debuffs on weapons #125

Open CCTiberius opened 3 years ago

CCTiberius commented 3 years ago


The ability for a weapon to apply X debuff to the target for Y seconds. Some commonly wanted ones I have seen are the ability to slow the opponent down without outright stunning them, the ability to lower their damage, make them inaccurate, or make them more susceptible to damage.

Possible Implementation:

The easiest and most-user friendly way I imagine would be to pre-define the most requested and obvious ones like the ones above, and make something like INI keys along the lines of AppliesDebuff=Slow and DebuffDuration=10 with the number being ticks.

Crimsonum commented 3 years ago

It's perhaps worth noting that the example slow-down effect already exists in Firestorm (LimpetFactor). Perhaps that code can be expanded/altered so it doesn't consume the attacker in the process unless that attacker is specifically a limpet drone.