Vinifera-Developers / Vinifera

Vinifera is a C&C: Tiberian Sun engine extension implementing new logics and fixing bugs.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[New Feature] Chronosphere #426

Open Bittah opened 3 years ago

Bittah commented 3 years ago


The Chronosphere from RA1/RA2.

Possible Implementation:

Same as RA2, but with two additional keys in either the superweapon's section or [Basic] to allow it to work like in RA1:

  1. the first being a key that specifies how long units that were teleported via the superweapon can remain in the target location before being automatically teleported back to their original location (a value of either 0 or -1 could be used to disable this function so that units are never teleported back)
  2. and the second would be a key that specifies whether or not passengers on a transport are killed when the transport is teleported (in YR infantry on a transport aren't killed by the Chronospehre, but infantry not on a transport are killed).

Suggested names for the keys are ChronoReturnTimer= and KillPassengers=true/false.

Rampastring commented 3 years ago

Allowing customization of the Chronoshift radius would be good too. The YR 3x3 Chronoshift would be too powerful for DTA's current gameplay for example.