Vinsterplays / Music-Integrations

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Extra toggle cases #3

Open natopotato390 opened 1 month ago

natopotato390 commented 1 month ago

Awesome mod! love listening to Spotify while level building so this is perfect.

A few areas some new cases could be added, first and most importantly: -When playtesting a level (using "Save and Play") and hitting the level editor button in the pause menu, playback does not resume.

Rest of these play overlapping music, and could be tricky to implement/up to user preference... -The music playtest button in the editor, all the music play buttons in the music library. -Record guidelines tool. bpm tool. Sound Effects? -All Vault rooms, and The Tower music

Vinsterplays commented 1 month ago

Im glad you enjoy the mod and i appreciate the feedback. As for your feedback: