Vinz68 / NeoPixel-Stair

Stair LedLights, using NeoPixel Ledstrips and an Arduino
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Ammount of LED #7

Closed TheSwanny closed 3 years ago

TheSwanny commented 3 years ago

Deatr Vinz68,

I tried loads of things and this is the second code i am tryint to edit but even with stock i can't get any results.

I have 572 LED in total over 13 steps (few steps are larger so got diferent ammount but its not about that now) Maximum number which this file works with is 448 pixels, anything above that software just doesn't want to work. I have 1000uF capacitos on +/- leads towards LEDs and 470ohm resistor on pin where signal lead goes towards LED (will try to put another one maybe bigger or smaller)

I just don't understand why code is not cooperating with me when it is over 448 pixels.

Thank you.

TheSwanny commented 3 years ago

Issue resolved: Another controler were required as current for some reasons can't hold the ammount of data needed. P.S. Nothing lower than Arduinio Uno.