VirgilSecurity / virgil-e3kit-js

E3Kit is a security framework that simplifies work with Virgil services and presents the easiest way to add full end-to-end security to your chat application to become HIPAA and GDPR compliant and more.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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[TypeError: Argument "virgilPublicKey" must be a VirgilPublicKey object] #159

Closed gz1992 closed 1 year ago

gz1992 commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug Hey guys, me again, kkkk. In my program, we send and receive msgs. This msgs are encrypted by virgil. I can easily decrypt those already encrypted msgs (using my publickey), but when I try to send a new one and encrypt i get this error on the title.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior, using my encrypt function as example:

encryptText = async (text: string, publicKey: ICard) => {
    const eThree = this.getEThree();
    let encryptedText = null;
    console.log('Encrypt with publicKey: ', publicKey);
    try {
      encryptedText = await eThree.encrypt(text, publicKey);
    } catch (error) {
      console.log('Error on encript: ', error);
      throw error;
    return encryptedText;

1- If I have a text = 'Virgil is awesome' 2- My publickey is: publickey = {"contentSnapshot": "{\"identity\":\"something\",\"created_at\":1635275449,\"version\":\"5.0\",\"public_key\":\"something2\"}", "createdAt": 2021-10-26T19:10:49.000Z, "id": "something3", "identity": "something", "isOutdated": false, "previousCardId": undefined, "publicKey": {"identifier": [Object], "value": "something4"}, "signatures": [{"extraFields": [Object], "signature": "something5", "signer": "self", "snapshot": undefined}, {"extraFields": [Object], "signature": "something6", "signer": "virgil", "snapshot": undefined}], "version": "5.0"} 3- Calling my encryptText(text, publickey) 4- I get the title error [TypeError: Argument "virgilPublicKey" must be a VirgilPublicKey object]

Expected behavior I would get my response from return encryptedText; with my text encrypted in it

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Additional context My package.json:

"react": "18.1.0",
"react-native": "0.70.6",
"react-native-keychain": "^8.1.1",
"react-native-virgil-crypto": "^0.6.2",
"@virgilsecurity/e3kit-native": "^2.5.3",
"@virgilsecurity/key-storage-rn": "^1.0.0",
"@react-native-async-storage/async-storage": "^1.17.11",
rstp-god commented 1 year ago

@gz1992 Hello again! Will check this!

rstp-god commented 1 year ago

@gz1992 Can you share imports and Ehtree initilize line?

gz1992 commented 1 year ago

Off course @rstp-god ... assuming I have no problem initializing my EThree (as it is in my case), the flow is as follow:

import {EThree} from '@virgilsecurity/e3kit-native';
import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage';

import {ICard} from 'virgil-sdk';

class ClassExample {
  userPublicKey: ICard | null;
  recipientPublicKey: ICard | null;
  eThree: undefined | EThree;
  myuserid: string | undefined;
  receiveruserid: string | undefined;

  constructor() {
    this.userPublicKey = null;
    this.recipientPublicKey = null;

  initialize = async (myuserid: string) => {
    const initializeFunction = () => getJwtVirgilTokenOnMyBackend(myuserid);
    const eThree = await EThree.initialize(initializeFunction, {AsyncStorage});
    this.eThree = eThree;

  getEThree = () => {
    if (!this.eThree) {
      throw new Error('eThree not initialized ');
    return this.eThree;

const instanced = new ClassExample();

await instanced.initialize();
const eThree = await instanced.getEthree();
const hasLocalPrivateKey = await eThree.hasLocalPrivateKey();
rstp-god commented 1 year ago

Hello @gz1992 ! Can not reproduce this, can you send more info about public key initialization and some test case ?

gz1992 commented 1 year ago

Hey @rstp-god , thanks for your time. While I look into, can you show me how should I be doing?

rstp-god commented 1 year ago

Hello again, some solutions here:

  1. call encrypt not with ICard, try to use VirgilPublicKey
  2. Here we have example that works
  3. Try to generateKeys, then encrypt, mayber you have troubles with ICard creating
gz1992 commented 1 year ago

Thanks, @rstp-god , i was using the url above as example, in my code i tryed 2 things:

1- On registering, like alice and bob example, i got this error:

import {EThree} from '@virgilsecurity/e3kit-native';
import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage';

const initializeFunction = () => getJwtVirgilTokenOnMyBackend(myuserid);
const alice = await EThree.initialize(initializeFunction, {AsyncStorage});
console.log('Alice registering');
await alice.register();
LOG  Alice registering
LOG  ERROR ENCRYPT [IdentityAlreadyExistsError: This identity is already registered on Virgil Cloud. To load private key use EThree.restorePrivateKey or EThree.rotatePrivateKey]

2- So I tryed removing and rotating my privateKey, as it is as test, i can remove...

import {EThree} from '@virgilsecurity/e3kit-native';
import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage';

const initializeFunction = () => getJwtVirgilTokenOnMyBackend(myuserid);
const alice = await EThree.initialize(initializeFunction, {AsyncStorage});
console.log('Alice cleaningup');
await alice.cleanup();
console.log('Alice registers...');
await alice.rotatePrivateKey();

the result

 LOG  Alice cleaningup
 LOG  Alice registers...
 LOG  Alice creates private key backup...
 LOG  ERROR ENCRYPT [Error: Exception in HostFunction: com.virgilsecurity.crypto.pythia.PythiaException: Underlying pythia library returns -1.]

If I ignore this error, i am going to the same of the issue title [TypeError: Argument "virgilPublicKey" must be a VirgilPublicKey object], the backup also keeps breaking...

Does it helps?

rstp-god commented 1 year ago

Hello, does you try to push publicKey.publicKey inside encrypt function?

gz1992 commented 1 year ago

Hey, @rstp-god , as you can see In my response above, I get problems registering my Alice key. But if I ignore the registers error above and go through the process using the findUser that returns my necessary publicKey, I get:

import {EThree} from '@virgilsecurity/e3kit-native';
import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage';

const initializeFunction = () => getJwtVirgilTokenOnMyBackend(myuserid);
const alice = await EThree.initialize(initializeFunction, {AsyncStorage});
await alice.register();
const publicKey = await alice.findUsers(bob.identity);
alice.encrypt(text, publicKey);

On encrypt I get this log:

LOG [TypeError: Argument "virgilPublicKey" must be a VirgilPublicKey object]
gz1992 commented 1 year ago

If it show better:

import {EThree} from '@virgilsecurity/e3kit-native';
import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage';

const initializeFunction = () => getMyJWTTOken(aliceUserId);
const alice = await EThree.initialize(initializeFunction, {
console.log('Alice registering');
console.log('Alice cleaningup');
await alice.cleanup();
console.log('Alice registers...');
await alice.rotatePrivateKey();

console.log("Alice searches for Bob's card...");
const bobCard = await alice.findUsers(bobUserId);

const encryptedForBob = await alice.encrypt(

My log is here:

 LOG  Alice registering
 LOG  Alice cleaningup
 LOG  Alice registers...
 LOG  Alice searches for Bob's card...
 LOG  ERROR ENCRYPT [TypeError: Argument "virgilPublicKey" must be a VirgilPublicKey object]

If it helps, my decrypt function is working fine

alice.decrypt(text, senderPublicKey);
gz1992 commented 1 year ago

@rstp-god , hey man.. i've been testing, and i've brought some things that might help you reproduce in your enviroment my problem..

1- we developed this project, in 2019, or 2020, and we used as package.json:

"react": "16.11.0",
"react-native": "0.62.3",
"@react-native-community/async-storage": "^1.12.1",
"@virgilsecurity/e3kit": "^0.7.0-beta.2",
"@virgilsecurity/key-storage-rn": "^0.2.1",
"react-native-virgil-crypto": "^0.6.1",

In this 2023 version, i get this packages

"react": "18.1.0",
"react-native": "0.70.6",
"@react-native-async-storage/async-storage": "^1.17.11",
"@virgilsecurity/e3kit-native": "^2.5.3",
"@virgilsecurity/key-storage-rn": "^1.0.0",
"react-native-virgil-crypto": "^0.6.2",

async-storage has changed to a different package, so i am not sure if it is a problem... image

2- As you can see, I updated all packages from virgil, maybe you could create this interaction with the old one and trying to reuse it on the new and updated virgil

3- Our (bob and alice, as the example shows) identity is a "fixed" valued, but if we restore all privatekeys this will be a big problem, eheheh.

4- What is this VirgilPublicKey object? because in the bobCard example, i get this card:

 {"contentSnapshot": "{\"identity\":\"something\",\"created_at\":1580172985,\"version\":\"5.0\",\"public_key\":\"my_public_key\"}", "createdAt": 2020-01-28T00:56:25.000Z, "id": "my_id", "identity": "my_identity", "isOutdated": false, "previousCardId": undefined, "publicKey": {"identifier": [Object], "value": "my_public_key"}, "signatures": [{"extraFields": [Object], "signature": "a_signature", "signer": "self", "snapshot": undefined}, {"extraFields": [Object], "signature": "another_signature", "signer": "virgil", "snapshot": undefined}], "version": "5.0"}

is it a wrong type?

Thanks again for the support!

rstp-god commented 1 year ago

@gz1992 Hello! Did your prev version working fine? As i see bob card is fine in your comment, like in example i think. I will try to reproduce with this information, and send you some feedback with result!

gz1992 commented 1 year ago

@rstp-god , hey!!! Yep, in previous version i have no problema encrypting and decrypting... But the new one i cant encrypt msgs

rstp-god commented 1 year ago

@gz1992 Hello! I think i have some answer, for you! I'am again check your bob card, and bob card from node example and my bobcard do not have value inside, may be some update issues, i will check it, and relese patch if it needed! image

gz1992 commented 1 year ago

NICE!!! Very good news @rstp-god

gz1992 commented 1 year ago

hey @rstp-god , is everything all right? Do you need anything?

rstp-god commented 1 year ago

@gz1992 Hello! relese 2.5.3 on npm just today. try this for errors if still having this issue, will check again )

gz1992 commented 1 year ago

more good news!!!

rstp-god commented 1 year ago

@gz1992 How this goes? Working fine ?

gz1992 commented 1 year ago

@rstp-god , finishing all tests, for now seems awesome

gz1992 commented 1 year ago

@rstp-god , all good!!!!! If I have anything, I will create another issue!