Virtual-Universe / Virtual-Universe-Release

Stable release repository for the Virtual Universe Open Source Project Arm. For bleeding edge development code please see the Virtual-Universe/Virtual-Dev or the Virtual-Universe/Virtual-Universe-Early-Dev repository. Please use this repository for production level grids.
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Oars #5

Closed RyujinnJakka closed 8 years ago

RyujinnJakka commented 8 years ago

Loading oars from url seems to have been removed. After downloading then the cumbersum uploading of the oar to the oar directory and proceeding to load the oar this error is displayed:

Sep 25 11:58:05 - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Universe.Modules.Archivers.ArchiveReadRequest.DearchiveRegion0DotStar () [0x00000] in :0 at Universe.Modules.Archivers.ArchiveReadRequest.DearchiveRegion () [0x00000] in :0 at Universe.Modules.Archivers.ArchiverModule.DearchiveRegion (System.String loadPath, Boolean merge, Boolean skipAssets, Boolean skipTerrain, Int32 offsetX, Int32 offsetY, Int32 offsetZ, Boolean flipX, Boolean flipY, Boolean useParcelOwnership, Boolean checkOwnership) [0x00000] in :0 at Universe.Modules.Archivers.ArchiverModule.HandleLoadOarConsoleCommand (System.String[] cmdparams) [0x00000] in :0 at Universe.Region.SceneManager.HandleLoadOar (IScene scene, System.String[] cmdparams) [0x00000] in :0

then nothing further happens of course.

NoahStarfinder commented 8 years ago

I will have to take a look at this one further before answering as I know we have made a few changes in the way OARs are handled. Have you tried loading a different OAR to be sure it isn't just the OAR file? If so does that OAR give you the same errors?

Noah Starfinder Core Developer In-Galaxy Services & Features Developer Second Galaxy Development Team

RyujinnJakka commented 8 years ago

Will try your suggestion it was late and ready for bed will post an update after trying a diffrent oar

emperorstarfinder commented 8 years ago

We do have a number of updates working their way through our internal development and testing process. These should fix the issues with OARs, failures of creating objects, etc.

These updates may work their way into the master later today or sometime over the next couple of days. However before they make it this far they must in fact pass our internal testing requirements.

emperorstarfinder commented 8 years ago

Closing as this appears to have been resolved. If this issue persists please try a different OAR if that doesn't work please provide us with further information i.e error messages received, where we can obtain the OAR etc.