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[Feature] [Enhancement]: Universe Homes Estate #20

Closed emperorstarfinder closed 7 years ago

emperorstarfinder commented 8 years ago


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Effective August 1, 2016 - Any issues opened which do not have the provided questions answered will be closed immediately without further action. The questions need to be answered to help provide us with as much information as possible to fix the bugs you find. This has nothing to do with disliking reports or any individuals. This has to do with getting to the root of the issues you report. Thank you.

Issue Type

Question Answer
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New feature? [yes]

For Feature requests please answer the following

Describe the feature you are requesting:

Establish the Universe Homes Estate

Has the feature been implemented by a similar project:

Yes Secondlife in fact does have the Linden Homes Estate for their premium homes

What other project similar to Virtual Universe has implemented the feature:

Opensim does not have the Opensim Homes regions as of yet but our upstream provider does have the ability to create the homes region (WhiteCore Homes).

URL to where we can view the feature and or source code:

NOTE About Features

The Second Galaxy Development Team will consider the features after we have seen enough interest by users of Virtual Universe. The Feature must recieve at least five (5) core developers voting in favor of the feature for it to be included in a future release.

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emperorstarfinder commented 8 years ago


You were correct. Diamond confirmed that the Premium Homes in Secondlife are in fact part of their own estate owned by Governor Linden. She did say the estate number is in the 2900 range so it is not really clear yet whether this is a system estate or not. So better to probably just make it a system estate.

Emperor Starfinder CEO/ Founder Core Developer Grid Architecture Development Work Group Leader Grid Architecture Development Work Group Second Galaxy Development Team

BruceStarfinder commented 8 years ago


This is what I had thought. Given that the EstateID is above 100 then I would initially say it probably isn't a system estate given our understanding of how estates work in Virtual Universe (and in the upstream provider WhiteCore). However the mystery Linden Labs seems to always unveil is their incredible habit of doing the reverse of the normal understanding. Thus I would say they probably do consider Linden Homes Estate as a system estate based on it being run by the Lindens as a paid for service (Linden Premium Homes). So it would just be better for us to make this a SystemEstate now so it is dealt with. I would be curious as to whether Diamond can provide us more info on what the region specifics are on their premium home regions. Upstream Provider seems to claim the MaxPrims is 25,000. The problem is if it is a full region on Secondlife then it would in fact be MaxPrims = 15,000 same as the Full Regions MaxPrims = 15,000 More Info Required.

Bruce Starfinder Core Developer Grid Architecture Developer Grid Architecture Development Work Group Member Second Galaxy Development Team

emperorstarfinder commented 8 years ago

I will let @DiamondStarfinder or @KatilynnStarfinder if either are logged in to Secondlife right now. One of the many things we do have right is we have a very well organized development team. The whole purpose of our Administrative Support Services Work Group is to do research and provide the two development work groups with the information and administrative support we need to allow us to make our architectures much better.

Emperor Starfinder CEO/ Founder Core Developer Grid Architecture Development Work Group Leader Grid Architecture Development Work Group Second Galaxy Development Team

DiamondStarfinder commented 8 years ago

Good morning,

To answer the questions here I am in Secondlife right now and will pass the info about my Premium Home to you.

Region Name: Corbeau Region Type: Linden Homes / Full Region Rating: Mature Estate Name: Linden Homes Estate Owner: Governor Linden Estate ID: 28996 Agent Limit: 55.00 Region Max Prims: 15,000 - This is based on the following: Max Agents 55.00 Allowed Prims Per lot: 117 x 55 = 6,435 Total Prims used for Homes: 61 x 55 = 3,355 Total Prims = 9,790

NOTE: This is without the home being furnished. These are at their very basics.

Experiences: 1 = The Mole Experience (not sure what this experience is)

I hope that helps a little bit.

Diamond Starfinder Chief Administrative Officer Work Group Leader Administrative Support Services Work Group Second Galaxy Development Team

emperorstarfinder commented 8 years ago


Thanks for the info. I edited your initial comment with the items you forgot and deleted the additional comments to allow us to have it all in one place. Hope you don't mind.

Emperor Starfinder CEO/ Founder Core Developer Grid Architecture Development Work Group Leader Grid Architecture Development Work Group Second Galaxy Development Team

DiamondStarfinder commented 8 years ago

Not a problem. Didn't know you could do that so I learn something new all the time.

Diamond Starfinder Chief Administrative Officer Work Group Leader Administrative Support Services Work Group Second Galaxy Development Team

BruceStarfinder commented 8 years ago

Seeing the information @DiamondStarfinder has provided tells me a couple of things.

First. The estate is an estate that is independent from the Mainland so we need to create it. Based on the EstateID she provided it would seem it isn't a system estate but is intended to be but instead of making it a system estate because it involves premium membership they took the easy way out. Therefore I think we probably should add it as a SystemEstate.

Second. Based on her calculations, the assumption by the developers of upstream provider WhiteCore is either incorrect or they are using a bigger parcel size (bigger then 512 sqm) or some other assumption that is incorrect. Full regions in Secondlife only have a MaxPrims of 15,000 and based on the fact that the Premium Home Regions are "Full Regions" they have a max of 15,000 MaxPrims. Looking at WhiteCore.Modules.World.Startup.SimulationData.FileBasedSimulationData.cs sets the full regions MaxPrims to 15000 by default. Therefore in the same file the comment assumes the Homes regions should have a default of MaxPrims = 25000 is incorrect as this should also be MaxPrims = 15000.

Seeing as she notes that Governor Linden is the EstateOwner it makes sense that this should really be one of the SystemEstates thus meaning there are at least 3 SystemEstates. The other key here is Linden Labs offers Premium sandbox regions so I would be interested to know what Estate these are in and how many prims are there to.

Bruce Starfinder Core Developer Grid Architecture Developer Grid Architecture Development Work Group Member Second Galaxy Development Team

emperorstarfinder commented 8 years ago

It might be possible that WhiteCore's lead developer is trying to say the decorative stuff around the region that aren't directly associated with each parcel might cause the MaxPrims to exceed the 15,000 limit which is possible assuming the furniture they provide is not counted against the user's MaxPrims limit on the parcel. That would be the only thing I can think of which would make some sense and the lead developer is just believing in the notion of being safe as opposed to sorry. But I doubt very much the Lindens are just going to tell him this kind of information nor does he have a legitimate way of knowing this. Linden Labs is out of date on many things so to make an architecture that is just like theirs is not really a wise idea seeing Linden Labs is heavily criticized for being bloated and out of date. The same way Opensim is.

That said, seeing Opensimulator has already proven that the MaxPrims = 45000 for a full region can in fact be handled by most machines and the fact that on our proprietary architecture we increased that to MaxPrims = 100000, we should probably change those defaults a bit anyhow so I am not necessarily opposed to the Homes regions having a MaxPrims = 25000 by default though I believe this should be a configurable default anyhow.

Emperor Starfinder CEO/ Founder Core Developer Grid Architecture Development Work Group Leader Grid Architecture Development Work Group Second Galaxy Development Team

BruceStarfinder commented 8 years ago

Okay that rationale does make some sense. If that assumption that they did increase the MaxPrims to 25000 for that reason then it is correct. But my guess is they didn't really do that as it would in fact defy what they constantly contend is the best MaxPrims for a full region.

So the question is do we want to set that at MaxPrims = 25000 or set a different number?

Bruce Starfinder Core Developer Grid Architecture Developer Grid Architecture Development Work Group Member Second Galaxy Development Team

emperorstarfinder commented 8 years ago

So here is what Linden Labs is claiming for their parcel sizes.

Additional Land (over 512 sqm) Parcel Size Prims per Parcel(approximate) Monthly Land Use fee*

1/128 Region 512 sqm 117 US$5 1/64 Region 1,024 sqm 234 US$8 1/32 Region 2,048 sqm 468 US$15 1/16 Region 4,096 sqm 937 US$25 1/8 Region 8,192 sqm 1,875 US$40 1/4 Region 16,384 sqm 3,750 US$75 1/2 Region 32,768 sqm 7,500 US$125 Entire Region 65,536 sqm 15,000 US$195

Full Region 65,536 sqm 15,000 US$195 Homestead Region 65,536 sqm 3,750 US$125 Openspace Region 65,536 sqm 750 US$ 75

Note: This information is taken from:

I am of course open to ideas on how to handle this issue. I am not opposed to the Universe Homes regions being given a default MaxPrims = 25000 or a different number but whatever we do, I believe we need to keep it realistic with what we set the full regions MaxPrims to. I am open to considering a change for the MaxPrims totals by default for each region type.

Emperor Starfinder CEO/ Founder Core Developer Grid Architecture Development Work Group Leader Grid Architecture Development Work Group Second Galaxy Development Team

BruceStarfinder commented 8 years ago

Okay in commit: 12d5147e8b2288b790a10ae929e17c25de7a497e I have added the preliminary stuff for the new Universe Homes Estate. Per our discussions I decided its better to make it a SystemEstate as I am pretty confident that LL would have done the same thing with theirs, but because it would create them some problems they took the easy way out and probably rightfully so.

There are a couple things I need to straighten out but for the moment it does appear to have successfully created the estate.

I also added the default setting we use for Infinite Regions to the Universe Homes regions as well. I decided to leave the MaxPrims = 25000 until we decide how to proceed with this though I am inclined to believe that this is wrong and its really MaxPrims = 15000. But seeing that came from the Upstream Provider WhiteCore-Sim and we have not ruled on this as a team I have left it as is for the moment.

Once I correct the couple of things I accidentally caused with establishing the HomesEstate as a SystemEstate I will hook up the Universe Homes Regions to automatically join that estate upon creation.

Bruce Starfinder Core Developer Grid Architecture Developer Grid Architecture Development Work Group Member Second Galaxy Development Team

emperorstarfinder commented 8 years ago


I tested this and then checked the database. Interestingly why its saying its creating successfully I am not sure but its likely the Primary Key error as the estate is not listed in the Estate settings table. Ill test with the ISystemEstateService fix you just committed to.

Emperor Starfinder CEO/ Founder Core Developer Grid Architecture Development Work Group Leader Grid Architecture Development Work Group Second Galaxy Development Team

BruceStarfinder commented 8 years ago

Hey Emp,

Yes I think I have probably missed something relating to where I assign the actual EstateIDs for SystemEstates which I am tracking down. I did get the same PRIMARY KEY error you did. It is creating the estate but assuming its really either the MainlandEstate or the SystemEstate which we know it isn't but I suspect I am missing a piece to this which I need to figure out.

But I thought you were on vacation so good to see your around.

Bruce Starfinder Core Developer Grid Architecture Developer Grid Architecture Development Work Group Member Second Galaxy Development Team

emperorstarfinder commented 8 years ago


No we will be leaving for vacation on Friday afternoon. I look forward to some camping (assuming it doesn't rain and the days are nice).

Its looking good I was going to point out your typo but you committed it before I could comment. I take it you probably already know it still isn't adding the info to the mysql database (not sure if it is with sqlite). perhaps thats part of the unreachable code warning you referenced.

Emperor Starfinder CEO/ Founder Core Developer Grid Architecture Development Work Group Leader Grid Architecture Development Work Group Second Galaxy Development Team

BruceStarfinder commented 8 years ago

Hey Emp,

I hope it doesn't rain on you to LOL!

Yes I did see the warning about the unreachable code. I need to look into that which I suspect that may be part of why its not adding the info to the database. There is probably something else here that I am missing as well but I need to track it down. It is odd though that the console claims it successfully created the estate but yet hasn't added it to the database. Quite a very interesting mystery. I'll keep plugging away at it and figure it out though. I got it this far I am not about to give up on it.

Bruce Starfinder Core Developer Grid Architecture Developer Grid Architecture Development Work Group Member Second Galaxy Development Team

BruceStarfinder commented 8 years ago

Happy Friday!

Okay I think the reason it didn't the information to the database is related to the Primary Key error both @EmperorStarfinder and I saw on the consoles. If this is correct then adding the (uint) should resolve this. @EmperorStarfinder if you can test this if you get this before you leave for vacation and let me know, it would be good. If so then this should add the HomesEstate to the database in which case all thats left is making sure the Homes Regions upon configuration are automatically added to the Homes Estate.

Bruce Starfinder Core Developer Grid Architecture Developer Grid Architecture Development Work Group Member Second Galaxy Development Team

emperorstarfinder commented 8 years ago

Hey Bruce,

I am just getting final things caught up before we head out on vacation. I tested the commit but essentially it didn't solve the problem. It appears that the estate is trying to be committed but it defaults it back to Mainland Estate. It is possible you might have missed a file somewhere in the Services directory.

Emperor Starfinder CEO/ Founder Core Developer Grid Architecture Development Work Group Leader Grid Architecture Development Work Group Second Galaxy Development Team

BruceStarfinder commented 8 years ago


Okay that is interesting. Another words it is assuming its a duplicate of the mainland even though I have made sure it has its own estate id. Guess I need to do some more digging then to figure out why its not adding it as its own estate.

If I don't have it done before you leave enjoy the vacation

Bruce Starfinder Core Developer Grid Architecture Developer Grid Architecture Development Work Group Member Second Galaxy Development Team

BruceStarfinder commented 8 years ago

Per discussion with @EmperorStarfinder I am placing this feature enhancement on hold in favor of the new SASE (System Account & System Estate) service. which will provide support for the outer space version of Estates (SolarSystems)

Bruce Starfinder Core Developer Grid Architecture Developer Grid Architecture Development Work Group Member Second Galaxy Development Team

emperorstarfinder commented 7 years ago

Added to projects so closing

Emperor Starfinder CEO/ Founder Core Developer Grid Architecture Development Work Group Leader Grid Architecture Development Work Group Second Galaxy Development Team