Angles first (MIS angles) + key remapping
Probe library
Rig library
[ ] Provide your own liner transform
[ ] Provide your own nonlinear transform
Generate implants from Pinpoint directly (Both AP/ML position and angles) -> generate CODRAG text file?
SHIELD Implant: probe position, yaw/pitch, oval size/direction
-> load implant model into Pinpoint via API
-> add craniotomy holes
-> export text files**
-> can you export the mesh with holes in place?
Closed loop visualization of ephys data in Pinpoint
Angles first (MIS angles) + key remapping Probe library Rig library
Generate implants from Pinpoint directly (Both AP/ML position and angles) -> generate CODRAG text file? SHIELD Implant: probe position, yaw/pitch, oval size/direction -> load implant model into Pinpoint via API -> add craniotomy holes -> export text files** -> can you export the mesh with holes in place?
Closed loop visualization of ephys data in Pinpoint