VirtualFlyBrain / VFB

Virtual Fly Brain
GNU General Public License v2.0
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ontology linkouts from FB not working properly #1129

Closed ah963 closed 6 years ago

ah963 commented 6 years ago

E.g. when you click on the linkout at the bottom of this page which is it takes you to

Robbie1977 commented 6 years ago

Can you copy the tiny text at the bottom left of the page?

ah963 commented 6 years ago

External Crossreferences & Linkouts


  | VFB:FBbt_00005215

this from the FB page?

or this from the VFB page?

Main-Server - V2.4.1-1155-g9c68c73 [FB2017_06] [ ] [ ]

Robbie1977 commented 6 years ago

Can't seem to replicate the issue as works for me: FlyBase links to which is the VFB1.0 link request format but this and all the formats above result in the correct term info page being loaded (eventually - few seconds occasionally).

Perhaps we should also request these links are updated to use$ID$

ah963 commented 6 years ago

Maybe some weird caching issue?

I can create a jira ticket with flybase to change the links if you can tell me what format they should be?

Robbie1977 commented 6 years ago

Linking should be:$ID$ With $ID$ ideally being with _ but : is supposed

ah963 commented 6 years ago

links will be updated in the next FlyBase release

Robbie1977 commented 6 years ago

Are you still getting the error and if so can you replicate on another machine?

ah963 commented 6 years ago

can't replicate the error on another machine, seems fixed on this one after a restart.