VirtualFlyBrain / VFB

Virtual Fly Brain
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Update ref for VT lines in Image data page #1154

Open mmc46 opened 6 years ago

mmc46 commented 6 years ago

Blurb for VT lines should include the new ref, which is correctly shown here

"Dickson VDRC Vienna Tiles (VT) library GAL4 images The registered data is available here.

The original data was provided by Barry Dickson via personal communication Produced as part of: Kvon, E., Kazmar, T., Stampfel, G., Yáñez-Cuna, O., Pagani, M., Schernhuber, K., Dickson, B., and Stark, A. (2014). Genome-scale functional characterization of Drosophila developmental enhancers in vivo. Cah Rev The 512, 91-95."

Support info: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.84 Safari/537.36 Size:[2238,956] !M56-0.1!e2eZ!e8e34!M1511,255,108!e1e!B Template!11!I47508!4N!6Cha-F-6!F332!4t!O1L312!I363241!4N!6VT!F422 GAL4 in the Adult Brain!4t!O8expression pattern!O9!4I!6caro_003!F32!G!C Template!G!H3!2S!20!2i!6!H3!F5!G!P3!0