Open Robbie1977 opened 8 months ago
unicode a.k.a \xa0 is breaking pub load
causing error:
/opt/VFB_neo4j/src/uk/ac/ebi/vfb/neo4j/ UserWarning: {'code': 'Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError', 'message': 'Invalid input \'x\': expected \'\\\', \'\'\', \'"\', \'b\', \'f\', \'n\', \'r\', \'t\', UTF16 or UTF32 (line 1, column 223 (offset: 222))\n"MERGE (n:pub:Individual { iri: \'[\](' }) set n.short_form = \'FBrf0244422\' set n:Entity SET n.title = [\'zfh2 controls progenitor cell activation and differentiation in the adult Drosophila\\xa0intestinal absorptive lineage.\'] SET n.miniref = [\'Rojas Villa et al., 2019, PLoS Genet. 15(12): e1008553\'] SET n.year = [\'2019\'] SET n.pages = [\'e1008553\'] SET n.volume = [\'15\'] SET n.label = "Rojas Villa et al., 2019, PLoS Genet. 15(12): e1008553" SET n.self_xref = [\'FlyBase\'] "\n ^'}
Surprising. The whole stack should be unicode compliant + I'm sure we have many other examples of special characters in author name.
is breaking pub loadcausing error: