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method to choose a GPU ID? #154

Closed ARtSSt closed 3 years ago

ARtSSt commented 3 years ago

Do you know a method to choose a GPU ID or device in an arbitrary vulkan program that doesn't have an option to choose GPUs? Vulkan only works when device ID is 0 in nvidia-smi now and that was the cause of a bulk of the issues.

We are working from this repo and trying to hack away( I know its not from here put very promising.)

dcommander commented 3 years ago

No, and in fact, that limitation is a big reason why Vulkan can't currently be supported with VirtualGL.

ARtSSt commented 3 years ago

Oh well, back to the nvidia wait line I guess.

Thank you for the quick Reply.

ehfd commented 3 years ago

@dcommander Have you considered using this?

dcommander commented 3 years ago

@ehfd Refer to It's not just a matter of choosing the device. There are other major technical issues that prevent VirtualGL from supporting Vulkan at the moment.