VirtusLab-Open-Source / strapi-plugin-comments

A plugin for Strapi Headless CMS that provides end to end comments feature with their moderation panel, bad words filtering, abuse reporting and more.
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How to get all comments (any relation) by a user with GraphQL? #209

Closed jnovak-SM2Dev closed 1 year ago

jnovak-SM2Dev commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to get all the comments by a user to show on their profile page, but the GraphQL findAllFlat and findAllInHierarchy calls require a relation. Is there a way to do this or does anyone know the best way to override the calls to make the relation optional so I can use the author filter only?

cyp3rius commented 1 year ago

Hello @SM2DevLLC, that seems as a feature request.

I'll schedule development for this.

jnovak-SM2Dev commented 1 year ago

@cyp3rius Sounds good. Thanks! I'm surprised no one else has wanted to show a users comments on a profile page or something like that before.

jnovak-SM2Dev commented 1 year ago

@cyp3rius I found a workaround for now. I'll leave this here in case it helps anyone else.

This goes in the index.ts (might be index.js if you aren't using typescript). This adds a query called findAllFlatAuthor where you don't need to pass in the related string, but instead pass in an authorId. I added more code to mine that also lets you get the related object as a response (which seems to be missing from this plugin as well).

export default {
  register({ strapi }) {
    const extensionService = strapi.plugin("graphql").service("extension");
    extensionService.use(({ strapi }) => ({
      typeDefs: `
    type Query {
      findAllFlatAuthor(authorId: String!, pagination: PaginationArg = {}, sort: [String] = []): ResponseFindAll
      resolvers: {
        Query: {
          findAllFlatAuthor: {
            resolve: async (parent, args, context) => {
              const { toEntityCollectionResponse } = strapi.service(

              const data = await[
                query: {
                  authorId: args.authorId,
                pagination: args.pagination
                  ? {
                    withCount: true,
                  : undefined,
                sort: args.sort,

              return data;
cyp3rius commented 1 year ago

Thats one of the way here :) If you are using extensions approach.

As you already got it for your own purposes, may I ask you to contribute and implement similar approach by adding route, controller and service methods? :) Would be really nice.

jnovak-SM2Dev commented 1 year ago

@cyp3rius I would, but I have no idea how. I'm only using GraphQL in my project and this is my first Strapi project. I'm not using routes/controllers/services. I could try and take a look at some point, but i'm not sure where i'd even start with those.

cyp3rius commented 1 year ago

Endpoint + GQL Query published as part of v2.2.11. Hope it fulfils your requirements :)

jnovak-SM2Dev commented 1 year ago

@cyp3rius Sorry, didn't see your last message. Yes it does help a lot. Only one issue, how can I get the related item? I'd need to be able to link to the related item and show related details. For example, if the comment is on a blog post, i'd need to show the title of the blog post and link to it.

Also, the author field does not populate properly.

jnovak-SM2Dev commented 1 year ago

@cyp3rius I add this to my version to allow being able to pull related items.

extensionService.use(({ strapi }) => ({
  typeDefs: `
    union Related = ArticleEntity | PodcastEntity
    type CommentSingle {
      related: Related
  resolvers: {
    Related: {
      __resolveType(x) {
        switch (x.uid) {
          case "api::article.article": {
            return "ArticleEntity";
          case "api::podcast.podcast": {
            return "PodcastEntity";
          default: {
            return null;