VisActor / VChart

VChart, more than just a cross-platform charting library, but also an expressive data storyteller.
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[Bug] setHovered does not work in boxplot chart #2855

Open hunmix opened 3 days ago

hunmix commented 3 days ago



Link to Minimal Reproduction

Steps to Reproduce

const data = [ { name: 'boxPlot', values: [ { x: 'Sub-Saharan Africa', y1: 9.16270124, y2: 10.07530816, y3: 10.09027907, y4: 10.27579542, y5: 11.62222959, y6: [1, 20, 3], group: 'High income' }, { x: 'Sub-Saharan Africa', y1: 8.721525214, y2: 9.641352839, y3: 10.1736233, y4: 10.57169914, y5: 11.64427467, group: 'Low income' }, { x: 'South Asia', y1: 9.404757278, y2: 10.36482449, y3: 10.94903493, y4: 11.5806383, y5: 12.50192084, group: 'Low income' }, { x: 'South Asia', y1: 9.732841997, y2: 9.732841997, y3: 9.732841997, y4: 9.732841997, y5: 9.732841997, group: 'High income' }, { x: 'Middle East & North Africa', y1: 9.541951901, y2: 10.33719892, y3: 10.91206173, y4: 11.29821858, y5: 11.60653481, group: 'Low income' }, { x: 'Middle East & North Africa', y1: 10.2396509, y2: 10.63879995, y3: 11.09996104, y4: 11.54301107, y5: 11.92092709, group: 'High income' }, { x: 'Latin America & Caribbean', y1: 10.14653181, y2: 10.32106777, y3: 10.45467215, y4: 10.45844052, y5: 10.6064696, group: 'Low income' }, { x: 'Latin America & Caribbean', y1: 8.743652009, y2: 9.413881158, y3: 10.16606248, y4: 11.00011805, y5: 12.20655104, group: 'High income' }, { x: 'East Asia & Pacific', y1: 7.800035977, y2: 8.850646235, y3: 10.14633178, y4: 11.59877618, y5: 13.24880824, group: 'High income' }, { x: 'East Asia & Pacific', y1: 8.316035904, y2: 9.038602613, y3: 10.22954548, y4: 10.71782871, y5: 12.07411874, group: 'Low income' }, { x: 'Europe & Central Asia', y1: 9.831631935, y2: 9.939275167, y3: 10.39108655, y4: 10.95556656, y5: 11.3012157, group: 'Low income' }, { x: 'Europe & Central Asia', y1: 9.522480948, y2: 10.43085982, y3: 11.06642694, y4: 11.73822523, y5: 12.62940296, group: 'High income' } ] } ];

const spec = { type: 'boxPlot', data: data, xField: ['x', 'group'],

minField: 'y1', q1Field: 'y2', medianField: 'y3', q3Field: 'y4', maxField: 'y5', outliersField: ['y6'], seriesField: 'group',

direction: 'vertical', color: ['#62CDFF', '#9E4784'],

legends: { visible: true, data: data => { return => { obj.shape.fill = obj.shape.stroke; return obj; }); } },

title: { visible: true, text: 'Global GDP 2021' }, hover: { enable: true }, point: { fill: 'red', state: { hover: { fill: 'red' }, } }, boxPlot: { style: { shaftShape: 'line', lineWidth: 2, }, state: { hover: { lineWidth: 4 }, } } };

const vchart = new VChart(spec, { dom: CONTAINER_ID }); vchart.renderSync(); vchart.setHovered({ group: 'High income' });

// Just for the convenience of console debugging, DO NOT COPY! window['vchart'] = vchart;

Current Behavior

Marks has no change

Expected Behavior

Marks should be highlighted


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