VisActor / VChart

VChart, more than just a cross-platform charting library, but also an expressive data storyteller.
MIT License
769 stars 44 forks source link

[Bug] pie animation not work when update spec twice #2856

Closed skie1997 closed 2 days ago

skie1997 commented 2 days ago



Link to Minimal Reproduction


Steps to Reproduce

  const spec = {
    "type": "rose",
    "categoryField": "LTjXll9vYHaK",
    "valueField": "kdPnyP4TFbo1",
    "seriesField": "LTjXll9vYHaK",
    "padding": {
      "left": 6,
      "right": 6,
      "top": 6,
      "bottom": 6
    "axes": [
        "orient": "radius",
        "zero": true,
        "nice": false,
        "ticks": false,
        "niceType": "rough",
        "tick": {},
        "innerOffset": {
          "top": 0
    "data": [
        "id": "data",
        "values": [
            "LTjXll9vYHaK": "河北",
            "kdPnyP4TFbo1": 20
            "LTjXll9vYHaK": "山西",
            "kdPnyP4TFbo1": 50
            "LTjXll9vYHaK": "内蒙古",
            "kdPnyP4TFbo1": 40
            "LTjXll9vYHaK": "辽宁",
            "kdPnyP4TFbo1": 50
            "LTjXll9vYHaK": "吉林",
            "kdPnyP4TFbo1": 35
        "fields": {
          "LTjXll9vYHaK": {
            "alias": "Province",
            "sortIndex": 0
          "kdPnyP4TFbo1": {
            "alias": "Sales"
    "outerRadius": 0.8,
    "label": {
      "visible": false,
      "offset": 3,
      "overlap": {
        "hideOnHit": true,
        "avoidBaseMark": false,
        "strategy": [
            "type": "position",
            "position": [
      "style": {
        "fontSize": 19,
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        "lineHeight": "130%",
        "fill": "rgba(255,255,255,1)",
        "strokeOpacity": 0,
        "angle": 0
      "position": "outside",
      "smartInvert": false,
      "interactive": false,
      "fontWeight": "normal"
    "color": {
      "field": "LTjXll9vYHaK",
      "type": "ordinal",
      "range": [
      "specified": {},
      "domain": [
    "legends": [
        "type": "discrete",
        "visible": true,
        "id": "legend-discrete",
        "orient": "bottom",
        "position": "middle",
        "layoutType": "normal",
        "maxRow": 1000,
        "title": {
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            "fontSize": 12,
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            "visible": false,
            "style": {
              "fillOpacity": 0.001
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            "style": {
              "fontSize": 12,
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              "fontFamily": "D-DIN",
              "fontWeight": "normal"
            "state": {
              "unSelected": {
                "fillOpacity": 0.2
          "shape": {
            "style": {
              "lineWidth": 0,
              "symbolType": "circle",
              "size": 12,
              "fillOpacity": 1,
              "width": 12,
              "height": 7.416
        "pager": {
          "layout": "horizontal",
          "padding": 0,
          "textStyle": {},
          "space": 0,
          "handler": {
            "preShape": "triangleLeft",
            "nextShape": "triangleRight",
            "style": {},
            "state": {
              "disable": {}
        "alignSelf": "start",
        "padding": {
          "top": 16,
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          "left": 0,
          "right": 0
    "hover": {
      "enable": true
    "select": {
      "enable": true
    "rose": {
      "state": {
        "hover": {
          "cursor": "pointer",
          "fillOpacity": 0.8,
          "stroke": "#58595B",
          "lineWidth": 1,
          "zIndex": 500
        "selected": {
          "cursor": "pointer",
          "fillOpacity": 1,
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          "lineWidth": 1
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          "lineWidth": 0.3
    "tooltip": {
      "visible": true,
      "renderMode": "canvas",
      "mark": {
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      "style": {
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          "fontColor": "rgba(255,255,255,0.65)",
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        "shape": {
          "size": 10,
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      "dimension": {
        "visible": true
    "pie": {},
    "region": [
        "clip": true
    "background": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)",
    "animation": true,
    "crosshair": {
      "xField": {
        "line": {
          "style": {
            "fillOpacity": 1,
            "fill": "rgba(80,156,255,0.1)"
        "visible": false
      "yField": {
        "line": {
          "style": {
            "fillOpacity": 1,
            "fill": "rgba(80,156,255,0.1)"
        "visible": false
      "categoryField": {
        "visible": false
      "valueField": {
        "visible": false
    "morph": {
      "enable": false
    "axesPadding": true,
    "plotLayout": {
      "clip": false
    "animationAppear": {
      "pie": {
        "type": "growRadiusIn",
        "easing": "quintIn",
        "duration": 5000
      "rose": {
        "type": "growRadiusIn",
        "easing": "quintIn",
        "duration": 5000
    "animationNormal": {
      "pie": [
          "channel": {
            outerRadius: {
              from: (...p) => {
                return p[1].graphicItem.attribute.outerRadius
              to: (...p) => {
                return p[1].graphicItem.attribute.outerRadius + 10
          "oneByOne": 1000,
          "duration": 500,
          "loop": true,
          "easing": "quintIn",
          "delayAfter": 3500,
          "controlOptions": {
            "immediatelyApply": false
          "channel": {

            outerRadius: {
              from: (...p) => {
                return p[1].graphicItem.attribute.outerRadius + 10
              to: (...p) => {
                return p[1].graphicItem.attribute.outerRadius
          "oneByOne": 1000,
          "duration": 500,
          "easing": "quintIn",
          "delay": 500,
          "delayAfter": 3000,
          "loop": true,
          "controlOptions": {
            "immediatelyApply": false
      "rose": [
          "channel": {
            "outerRadius": {
              from: (...p) => {
                return p[1].graphicItem.attribute.outerRadius
              to: (...p) => {
                return p[1].graphicItem.attribute.outerRadius + 10
          "oneByOne": 1000,
          "duration": 500,
          "loop": true,
          "easing": "quintIn",
          "delayAfter": 3500,
          "controlOptions": {
            "immediatelyApply": false
          "channel": {
            "outerRadius": {
              from: (...p) => {
                return p[1].graphicItem.attribute.outerRadius + 10
              to: (...p) => {
                return p[1].graphicItem.attribute.outerRadius
          "oneByOne": 1000,
          "duration": 500,
          "easing": "quintIn",
          "delay": 500,
          "delayAfter": 3000,
          "loop": true,
          "controlOptions": {
            "immediatelyApply": false
    "animationEnter": {
      "pie": {
        "easing": "quintIn",
        "duration": 1000
      "rose": {
        "easing": "quintIn",
        "duration": 1000
    "animationUpdate": {
      "pie": {
        "easing": "quintIn",
        "duration": 1000
      "rose": {
        "easing": "quintIn",
        "duration": 1000
    "animationExit": false,
    "hash": "3ced33bdcd6c7426fae582fab10f5f50",
    "width": 400,
    "height": 225

  const cs = new VChart({
    type: 'pie',
    data: [{
      values: []
    background: 'black',
    // No: false
  }, {
    dom: document.getElementById('chart') as HTMLElement,
    mode: isMobile ? 'mobile-browser' : 'desktop-browser'

Current Behavior


Expected Behavior



- OS:
- Browser:
- Framework:

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