VisActor / VChart

VChart, more than just a cross-platform charting library, but also an expressive data storyteller.
MIT License
914 stars 62 forks source link

[Bug] bar highlight animation not render as expected #2881

Closed skie1997 closed 2 months ago

skie1997 commented 2 months ago



Link to Minimal Reproduction


Steps to Reproduce

import { isMobile } from 'react-device-detect';
import { default as VChart } from '../../../../src/index';
import { DataSet, DataView, csvParser } from '@visactor/vdataset';

const run = () => {
  const markLineAttr = {
    // animation: false,
    animationEnter: {
      type: 'clipIn',
      duration: 1000
    animationUpdate: {
      type: 'clipIn',
      duration: 1000,
      delay: 100
    endSymbol: {
      refX: -4,
      style: {
        size: 8
    line: {
      style: {
        lineDash: [0]
    area: {
      style: {
        fill: 'red',
        fillOpacity: 1
      state: {
        hover: {
          fill: 'blue'
  const data = {
    id: '0',
    values: [
        type: 'retirement',
        origin: 'France',
        age: 60
        type: 'retirement',
        origin: 'Luxembourg',
        age: 58
        type: 'retirement',
        origin: 'Belgium',
        age: 60
        type: 'retirement',
        origin: 'Spain',
        age: 62
        type: 'retirement',
        origin: 'Greece',
        age: 61
        type: 'retirement',
        origin: 'Italy',
        age: 62
        type: 'retirement',
        origin: 'Austria',
        age: 62
        type: 'retirement',
        origin: 'Slovakia',
        age: 59
        type: 'retirement',
        origin: 'Turkey',
        age: 61
        type: 'retirement',
        origin: 'UK',
        age: 62
        type: 'retirement',
        origin: 'Australia',
        age: 63
        type: 'retirement',
        origin: 'Ireland',
        age: 63
        type: 'retirement',
        origin: 'Finland',
        age: 63
        type: 'retirement',
        origin: 'Netherlands',
        age: 64
        type: 'retirement',
        origin: 'Germany',
        age: 63
        type: 'retirement',
        origin: 'Canada',
        age: 65
        type: 'retirement',
        origin: 'Slovenia',
        age: 62
        type: 'retirement',
        origin: 'Switzerland',
        age: 65
        type: 'retirement',
        origin: 'Denmark',
        age: 64
        type: 'retirement',
        origin: 'Poland',
        age: 61
        type: 'retirement',
        origin: 'Norway',
        age: 65
        type: 'retirement',
        origin: 'Israel',
        age: 66
        type: 'healthy expectancy',
        origin: 'France',
        age: 78
        type: 'healthy expectancy',
        origin: 'Luxembourg',
        age: 77
        type: 'healthy expectancy',
        origin: 'Belgium',
        age: 77
        type: 'healthy expectancy',
        origin: 'Spain',
        age: 78
        type: 'healthy expectancy',
        origin: 'Greece',
        age: 77
        type: 'healthy expectancy',
        origin: 'Italy',
        age: 78
        type: 'healthy expectancy',
        origin: 'Austria',
        age: 78
        type: 'healthy expectancy',
        origin: 'Slovakia',
        age: 75
        type: 'healthy expectancy',
        origin: 'Turkey',
        age: 76
        type: 'healthy expectancy',
        origin: 'UK',
        age: 77
        type: 'healthy expectancy',
        origin: 'Australia',
        age: 77
        type: 'healthy expectancy',
        origin: 'Ireland',
        age: 77
        type: 'healthy expectancy',
        origin: 'Finland',
        age: 77
        type: 'healthy expectancy',
        origin: 'Netherlands',
        age: 77
        type: 'healthy expectancy',
        origin: 'Germany',
        age: 76
        type: 'healthy expectancy',
        origin: 'Canada',
        age: 77
        type: 'healthy expectancy',
        origin: 'Slovenia',
        age: 76
        type: 'healthy expectancy',
        origin: 'Switzerland',
        age: 77
        type: 'healthy expectancy',
        origin: 'Denmark',
        age: 76
        type: 'healthy expectancy',
        origin: 'Poland',
        age: 75
        type: 'healthy expectancy',
        origin: 'Norway',
        age: 77
        type: 'healthy expectancy',
        origin: 'Israel',
        age: 78
        type: 'regular expectancy',
        origin: 'France',
        age: 83
        type: 'regular expectancy',
        origin: 'Luxembourg',
        age: 83
        type: 'regular expectancy',
        origin: 'Belgium',
        age: 83
        type: 'regular expectancy',
        origin: 'Spain',
        age: 84
        type: 'regular expectancy',
        origin: 'Greece',
        age: 82
        type: 'regular expectancy',
        origin: 'Italy',
        age: 84
        type: 'regular expectancy',
        origin: 'Austria',
        age: 84
        type: 'regular expectancy',
        origin: 'Slovakia',
        age: 80
        type: 'regular expectancy',
        origin: 'Turkey',
        age: 81
        type: 'regular expectancy',
        origin: 'UK',
        age: 82
        type: 'regular expectancy',
        origin: 'Australia',
        age: 85
        type: 'regular expectancy',
        origin: 'Ireland',
        age: 84
        type: 'regular expectancy',
        origin: 'Finland',
        age: 84
        type: 'regular expectancy',
        origin: 'Netherlands',
        age: 84
        type: 'regular expectancy',
        origin: 'Germany',
        age: 82
        type: 'regular expectancy',
        origin: 'Canada',
        age: 85
        type: 'regular expectancy',
        origin: 'Slovenia',
        age: 82
        type: 'regular expectancy',
        origin: 'Switzerland',
        age: 85
        type: 'regular expectancy',
        origin: 'Denmark',
        age: 82
        type: 'regular expectancy',
        origin: 'Poland',
        age: 80
        type: 'regular expectancy',
        origin: 'Norway',
        age: 84
        type: 'regular expectancy',
        origin: 'Israel',
        age: 84

  const channel = 'x'
  const size = 'width'
  // const spec = {
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  //         "top": 0
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  //   "data": [
  //     {
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  //       "values": [
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  //           "LTjXll9vYHaK": "河北",
  //           "kdPnyP4TFbo1": 40
  //         },
  //         {
  //           "LTjXll9vYHaK": "山西",
  //           "kdPnyP4TFbo1": 100
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  //         {
  //           "LTjXll9vYHaK": "内蒙古",
  //           "kdPnyP4TFbo1": 60
  //         },
  //         {
  //           "LTjXll9vYHaK": "辽宁",
  //           "kdPnyP4TFbo1": 90
  //         },
  //         {
  //           "LTjXll9vYHaK": "吉林",
  //           "kdPnyP4TFbo1": 70
  //         }
  //       ],
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  //         "LTjXll9vYHaK": {
  //           "alias": "Province",
  //           "sortIndex": 0
  //         },
  //         "kdPnyP4TFbo1": {
  //           "alias": "Sales"
  //         }
  //       }
  //     }
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  //         {
  //           "type": "position",
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  //       "#B8E7FE",
  //       "#00D689"
  //     ],
  //     "specified": {},
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  //       "河北",
  //       "山西",
  //       "内蒙古",
  //       "辽宁",
  //       "吉林"
  //     ]
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  //   "hover": {
  //     "enable": true
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  //   "rose": {
  //     "state": {
  //       "hover": {
  //         "cursor": "pointer",
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  //   "tooltip": {
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  //       "visible": true
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  const color = 'red'

  const spec = {
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  //           "oneByOne": 1000,
  //           "duration": 500,
  //           "loop": true,
  //           "easing": "linear",
  //           "delayAfter": 8500,
  //           "controlOptions": {
  //             "immediatelyApply": false
  //           }
  //         },
  //         {
  //           "channel": {
  //             "outerRadius": {
  //               from: (...p) => {
  //                 console.log('p', p[1].graphicItem.attribute)
  //                 return p[1].graphicItem.attribute.outerRadius + 10
  //               },
  //               to: (...p) => {
  //                 return p[1].graphicItem.attribute.outerRadius
  //               }
  //             }
  //           },
  //           "oneByOne": 1000,
  //           "duration": 500,
  //           "easing": "linear",
  //           "delay": 500,
  //           "delayAfter": 8000,
  //           "loop": true,
  //           "controlOptions": {
  //             "immediatelyApply": false
  //           }
  //         }
  //       ],
  //       "rose": [
  //         {
  //           "channel": {
  //             "outerRadius": {
  //               from: (...p) => {
  //                 console.log('p', p[1].graphicItem.attribute)
  //                 return p[1].graphicItem.attribute.outerRadius
  //               },
  //               to: (...p) => {
  //                 return p[1].graphicItem.attribute.outerRadius + 10
  //               }
  //             }
  //           },
  //           "oneByOne": 1000,
  //           "duration": 500,
  //           "loop": true,
  //           "easing": "linear",
  //           "delayAfter": 8500,
  //           "controlOptions": {
  //             "immediatelyApply": false
  //           }
  //         },
  //         {
  //           "channel": {
  //             "outerRadius": {
  //               from: (...p) => {
  //                 console.log('p', p[1].graphicItem.attribute)
  //                 return p[1].graphicItem.attribute.outerRadius + 10
  //               },
  //               to: (...p) => {
  //                 return p[1].graphicItem.attribute.outerRadius
  //               }
  //             }
  //           },
  //           "oneByOne": 1000,
  //           "duration": 500,
  //           "easing": "linear",
  //           "delay": 500,
  //           "delayAfter": 8000,
  //           "loop": true,
  //           "controlOptions": {
  //             "immediatelyApply": false
  //           }
  //         }
  //       ]
  //     },
  //     "animationEnter": {
  //       "pie": {
  //         "easing": "linear",
  //         "duration": 1000
  //       },
  //       "rose": {
  //         "easing": "linear",
  //         "duration": 1000
  //       }
  //     },
  //     "animationUpdate": {
  //       "pie": {
  //         "easing": "linear",
  //         "duration": 1000
  //       },
  //       "rose": {
  //         "easing": "linear",
  //         "duration": 1000
  //       }
  //     },
  //     "animationExit": false,
  //     "hash": "39a905ff24885b389c8ec04df07a2edc",
  //     "innerRadius": 0.55,
  //     "extensionMark": [
  //       {
  //         "name": "arc_inner_shadow",
  //         "type": "arc",
  //         "dataId": "data",
  //         "style": {
  //           "interactive": false,
  //           "fillOpacity": 0.3,
  //           "visible": true
  //         }
  //       },
  //       {
  //         "name": "arc_inner",
  //         "type": "symbol",
  //         "style": {
  //           "interactive": false,
  //           "fillOpacity": 0,
  //           "lineWidth": 1,
  //           "strokeOpacity": 0.5,
  //           "stroke": {
  //             "gradient": "conical",
  //             "startAngle": 0,
  //             "endAngle": 6.283185307179586,
  //             "stops": [
  //               {
  //                 "offset": 0,
  //                 "color": "#FFF",
  //                 "opacity": 0
  //               },
  //               {
  //                 "offset": 1,
  //                 "color": "#FFF",
  //                 "opacity": 1
  //               }
  //             ]
  //           },
  //           "visible": true
  //         }
  //       },
  //       {
  //         "name": "arc_outter",
  //         "type": "symbol",
  //         "style": {
  //           "interactive": false,
  //           "fillOpacity": 0,
  //           "lineWidth": 1,
  //           "strokeOpacity": 0.5,
  //           "stroke": {
  //             "gradient": "conical",
  //             "startAngle": 0,
  //             "endAngle": 6.283185307179586,
  //             "stops": [
  //               {
  //                 "offset": 0,
  //                 "color": "#FFF",
  //                 "opacity": 0
  //               },
  //               {
  //                 "offset": 1,
  //                 "color": "#FFF",
  //                 "opacity": 1
  //               }
  //             ]
  //           },
  //           "visible": true
  //         }
  //       }
  //     ],
  //     "width": 400,
  //     "height": 225
  //   })
  // }, 3000);

  // setTimeout(() => {
  //   cs.updateSpec({
  //     ...spec,
  //     data: [{
  //       values: [
  //         {
  //           "10001": "Sales",
  //           "10002": 30,
  //           "10003": "Tn97A7q0XVDq",
  //           "30001": "2023",
  //           "HqlYadRdHJ5c": "Labels",
  //           "Tn97A7q0XVDq": 30,
  //           "7ti8XuX4kcY1": "2023",
  //           "dataKey": 0.1943839876822584
  //         },
  //         {
  //           "10001": "Sales",
  //           "10002": 24,
  //           "10003": "Tn97A7q0XVDq",
  //           "30001": "2022",
  //           "HqlYadRdHJ5c": "Labels",
  //           "Tn97A7q0XVDq": 24,
  //           "7ti8XuX4kcY1": "2022",
  //           "dataKey": 0.4744741268239743
  //         }
  //       ]
  //     }]
  //   })
  // }, 2000);

  // setTimeout(() => {
  //   cs.updateSpec({
  //     ...spec,
  //     data: [{
  //       values: [
  //         {
  //           "10001": "Sales",
  //           "10002": 20,
  //           "10003": "Tn97A7q0XVDq",
  //           "30001": "2023",
  //           "HqlYadRdHJ5c": "Tables",
  //           "Tn97A7q0XVDq": 20,
  //           "7ti8XuX4kcY1": "2023",
  //           "dataKey": 0.9235764317484279
  //         },
  //         {
  //           "10001": "Sales",
  //           "10002": 10,
  //           "10003": "Tn97A7q0XVDq",
  //           "30001": "2022",
  //           "HqlYadRdHJ5c": "Tables",
  //           "Tn97A7q0XVDq": 10,
  //           "7ti8XuX4kcY1": "2022",
  //           "dataKey": 0.764191906308026
  //         },
  //       ]
  //     }]
  //   })
  // }, 4000);
  window['vchart'] = cs;

Current Behavior


Expected Behavior



- OS:
- Browser:
- Framework:

Any additional comments?

No response

skie1997 commented 2 months ago


    "animationNormal": {
      "bar": [
          "loop": false,
          "controlOptions": {
            "immediatelyApply": false
          "timeSlices": [
              "effects": {
                "channel": {
                  // fill: {
                  //   to: "linear-gradient(0deg, red 0%, blue 100%)",
                  // },
                  // stroke: {
                  //   to: "linear-gradient(0deg, black 0%, blue 100%)"
                  // }
                  "fill": {
                    to: color,
                    from: (...p) => {
                      return p[1].graphicItem.attribute.fill;
                  } // fillOpacity: {
                  //   to: 0.2
                  // }
                "easing": "linear"
              delay: (datum, element, context, global) => {
                const { count, index } = getGroupInfo(global.vchart, datum)
                console.log('loopDuration', loopDuration, count)
                // initial delay + one by one delay
                return index * loopDuration / count;
              // delayAfter: 6000,
              "duration": (datum, element, context, global) => {
                const { count, index } = getGroupInfo(global.vchart, datum)
                // initial delay + one by one delay
                return loopDuration / count / 2;
              "effects": {
                "channel": {
                  // fillOpacity: {
                  //   from: 0.2,
                  //   to: 1
                  // }
                  "fill": {
                    from: color,
                    to: (...p) => {
                      return p[1].graphicItem.attribute.fill;
                "easing": "linear"
              delayAfter: (datum, element, context, global) => {
                const { count, index } = getGroupInfo(global.vchart, datum)
                // rest one by one delay
                return interval + atmoDuration + (count - index - 1) * loopDuration / count;
              "duration": (datum, element, context, global) => {
                const { count, index } = getGroupInfo(global.vchart, datum)
                // initial delay + one by one delay
                return loopDuration / count / 2
          "loop": false,
          "delay": loopDuration,
          "delayAfter": interval,
          "duration": atmoDuration,
          custom: StreamLight,
          "easing": "quintIn",
          "customParameters": {
            "isHorizontal": false,
            "attribute": {
              "fill": "#CFCFCF",
              "blur": 0,
              "shadowColor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
              "height": 20