VisActor / VChart

VChart, more than just a cross-platform charting library, but also an expressive data storyteller.
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How to do global animation in React? #3219

Open mengxi-ream opened 6 days ago

mengxi-ream commented 6 days ago

I tried global animation in this project:

this is what exactly I want:


However, I am not sure how to properly utilize registerMorph and updateSpec in React. I attempted to implement them, but encountered bugs, as demonstrated in the link provided earlier.

Here is my code:

"use client";

import { VChart } from "@visactor/react-vchart";
import { IPieChartSpec, registerMorph } from "@visactor/vchart";
import { useTheme } from "nextra-theme-docs";
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";

const pieSpec: IPieChartSpec = {
  type: "pie",
  data: [
      values: [
        { type: "1", value: Math.random() },
        { type: "2", value: Math.random() },
        { type: "3", value: Math.random() },
  outerRadius: 0.8,
  innerRadius: 0.6,
  valueField: "value",
  categoryField: "type",
  tooltip: {
    visible: false,

const barSpec = Object.assign({}, pieSpec, {
  type: "bar",
  xField: "type",
  yField: "value",
  seriesField: "type",

const specs = [pieSpec, barSpec];

export default function GlobalAnimation() {
  const { theme } = useTheme();
  console.log("theme", theme);
  const [specIndex, setSpecIndex] = useState(0);

  useEffect(() => {
    setInterval(() => {
      setSpecIndex((specIndex + 1) % specs.length);
    }, 2000);
  }, [specIndex]);

  return <VChart spec={specs[specIndex]} />;

To reproduce:

  1. clone the project git clone
  2. pnpm i
  3. pnpm dev
xile611 commented 4 days ago

@mengxi-ream the morphing animaiton of chart has been disabled


because there are too many useless update in react-vchart

mengxi-ream commented 4 days ago

@mengxi-ream the morphing animaiton of chart has been disabled


because there are too many useless update in react-vchart

Does this mean in version 1.12.6 I just need to write something like <VChart spec={spec} morphConfig: {morph: true} /> to turn morphing animation on?

xile611 commented 4 days ago

@mengxi-ream the morphing animaiton of chart has been disabled


because there are too many useless update in react-vchart

Does this mean in version 1.12.6 I just need to write something like <VChart spec={spec} morphConfig: {morph: true} /> to turn morphing animation on?


mengxi-ream commented 4 days ago

@mengxi-ream the morphing animaiton of chart has been disabled


because there are too many useless update in react-vchart

Does this mean in version 1.12.6 I just need to write something like <VChart spec={spec} morphConfig: {morph: true} /> to turn morphing animation on?


look forward to trying version 1.12.6. 😍