VisActor / VTable

VTable is not just a high-performance multidimensional data analysis table, but also a grid artist that creates art between rows and columns.
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[Feature] 能否在选中多个单元格的情况下,保持行高亮的状态? #2026

Open mzhang-eric opened 5 days ago

mzhang-eric commented 5 days ago

What problem does this feature solve?

当设置单元格选中响应模式为整行高亮时,选中单个单元格时,所在行会出现高亮样式,但通过Ctrl Shift 快捷键或鼠标框选选中多个单元格,行的高亮状态不存在了,selectionStyle.inlineRowBgColor 没有生效。

const option = {
    select: {
        highlightMode: 'row'
   selectionStyle: {
      cellBgColor: 'rgba(0, 174, 199, 0.2)',
      cellBorderLineWidth: 1,
      cellBorderColor: '#3dc1d4',
      inlineRowBgColor: '#86dbeb',

What does the proposed API look like?


fangsmile commented 5 days ago

目前的逻辑是只有一个单元格被选中的情况 才会出现整行整列的高亮效果

fangsmile commented 5 days ago

我标记了good first issue 看看有没有其他贡献者可以看看这个需求 或者你也可以参与开源共享 提pr