VisActor / VTable

VTable is not just a high-performance multidimensional data analysis table, but also a grid artist that creates art between rows and columns.
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[Bug] 编辑框会把整个顶出去 #2039

Closed TryChai closed 2 days ago

TryChai commented 4 days ago



Link to Minimal Reproduction

no link

Steps to Reproduce

// 使用时需要引入插件包@visactor/vtable-editors // import * as VTable_editors from '@visactor/vtable-editors'; // 正常使用方式 const input_editor = new VTable.editors.InputEditor(); // 官网编辑器中将 VTable.editors重命名成了VTable_editors let tableInstance; const input_editor = new VTable_editors.InputEditor(); VTable.register.editor('input-editor', input_editor); fetch('') .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => { const option = { "records": [ { "adjustPriceTemplateTaskId": "1727162416739835906", "adjustPriceTemplateId": "1727162399991980034", "roomCategoryClusterId": "1725421011508662274", "campId": "17", "day": 0, "executeTime": "2024-07-03T02:10:58.734Z", "coefficient": 0.9, "Day": "", "Time": "10:10", "1725421011508662274": 0.9 }, { "adjustPriceTemplateTaskId": "1808058679097872386", "adjustPriceTemplateId": "1727162399991980034", "roomCategoryClusterId": "1806951784658468866", "campId": "17", "day": 0, "executeTime": "2024-07-03T02:10:58.735Z", "coefficient": 0.35, "Day": "", "Time": "10:10", "1806951784658468866": 0.35 }, { "adjustPriceTemplateTaskId": "1808067748110061570", "adjustPriceTemplateId": "1727162399991980034", "roomCategoryClusterId": "1725420560616787970", "campId": "17", "day": 0, "executeTime": "2024-07-03T02:10:58.735Z", "coefficient": 0.35, "Day": "", "Time": "10:10", "1725420560616787970": 0.35 }, { "Day": "", "Time": "10:10", "coefficient": 0, "day": "0", "executeTime": "2024-07-03T02:10:30.950Z", "roomCategoryClusterId": "1806952135168065538", "_key": "e8e04b74-c3c3-4e70-8c32-0fa8318d0da5" }, { "Day": "", "Time": "10:10", "coefficient": 0, "day": "0", "executeTime": "2024-07-03T02:10:34.212Z", "roomCategoryClusterId": "1806952480904552450", "_key": "2ac3c474-6062-4ab8-a1f5-1881a8599a7f" }, { "adjustPriceTemplateTaskId": "1808057537735479298", "adjustPriceTemplateId": "1727162399991980034", "roomCategoryClusterId": "1725421011508662274", "campId": "17", "day": 0, "executeTime": "2024-07-03T08:37:58.735Z", "coefficient": 0.65, "Day": "", "Time": "16:37", "1725421011508662274": 0.65 }, { "Day": "", "Time": "16:37", "coefficient": 0, "day": "0", "executeTime": "2024-07-03T08:37:30.950Z", "roomCategoryClusterId": "1806952135168065538", "_key": "69554865-2265-4871-b8c9-b57ae3a7ca6b" }, { "Day": "", "Time": "16:37", "coefficient": 0, "day": "0", "executeTime": "2024-07-03T08:37:34.212Z", "roomCategoryClusterId": "1806952480904552450", "_key": "7a5380da-8837-486b-a5f4-890835ee2648" }, { "day": "0", "executeTime": "2024-07-03T08:44:05.265Z", "roomCategoryClusterId": "1725420560616787970", "_key": "beb9261e-08af-4c8c-8af6-3111d12a9b6c", "Day": "", "Time": "16:44" }, { "day": "0", "executeTime": "2024-07-03T08:44:05.265Z", "roomCategoryClusterId": "1725421011508662274", "_key": "fc874a81-32e0-48ec-b31f-219116bbea63", "Day": "", "Time": "16:44" }, { "day": "0", "executeTime": "2024-07-03T08:44:05.265Z", "roomCategoryClusterId": "1806951784658468866", "_key": "35b30395-3e95-4d24-9997-f6b13517f618", "Day": "", "Time": "16:44" }, { "Day": "", "Time": "16:44", "coefficient": 0, "day": "0", "executeTime": "2024-07-03T08:44:30.950Z", "roomCategoryClusterId": "1806952135168065538", "_key": "b863df8b-d622-45d3-9a36-fdf4c3092da3" }, { "Day": "", "Time": "16:44", "coefficient": 0, "day": "0", "executeTime": "2024-07-03T08:44:34.213Z", "roomCategoryClusterId": "1806952480904552450", "_key": "b3378c51-72d6-4006-a34c-be167ba59149" }, { "adjustPriceTemplateTaskId": "1736583269042458626", "adjustPriceTemplateId": "1727162399991980034", "roomCategoryClusterId": "1725421011508662274", "campId": "17", "day": 0, "executeTime": "2024-07-03T08:50:58.734Z", "coefficient": 0.8, "Day": "", "Time": "16:50", "1725421011508662274": 0.8 }, { "adjustPriceTemplateTaskId": "1807717884339736578", "adjustPriceTemplateId": "1727162399991980034", "roomCategoryClusterId": "1806951784658468866", "campId": "17", "day": 0, "executeTime": "2024-07-03T08:50:58.734Z", "coefficient": 0.36, "Day": "", "Time": "16:50", "1806951784658468866": 0.36 }, { "Day": "", "Time": "16:50", "coefficient": 0, "day": "0", "executeTime": "2024-07-03T08:50:30.950Z", "roomCategoryClusterId": "1806952135168065538", "_key": "20e7754e-58aa-45c0-8b1e-ea9525606c9a" }, { "Day": "", "Time": "16:50", "coefficient": 0, "day": "0", "executeTime": "2024-07-03T08:50:34.213Z", "roomCategoryClusterId": "1806952480904552450", "_key": "7de3c254-0bf9-44b0-a8a2-4ceff698e18a" } ], "rows": [ { "dimensionKey": "Time", "title": "时间段", "headerStyle": { "textStick": true, "bgColor": "#fff", "color": "#606266", "fontSize": 14, "borderColor": "#ebeef5" }, "textStyle": { "bgColor": "#fff", "color": "#606266", "fontSize": 14, "borderColor": "#ebeef5" }, "width": "auto", "dropDownMenu": [ { "menuKey": "del-time", "text": "删除" } ] } ], "corner": { "titleOnDimension": "row", "headerStyle": { "textStick": true, "bgColor": "#fff", "color": "#606266", "fontSize": 14, "borderColor": "#ebeef5" }, "textStyle": { "bgColor": "#fff", "color": "#606266", "fontSize": 14, "borderColor": "#ebeef5" } }, 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Current Behavior

正常的显示 image

不正常的情况 image 对比下就知道 它把左边顶出去了

Expected Behavior

希望能尽快修复 这个功能很重要 不行就体验很差


- OS:
- Browser:
- Framework:

Any additional comments?

bug 还是很多啊 隔了很久没用 一重新用 就发现很多的bug,仍需努力啊