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image processing for attributes (t_SNE and image similarities) #22

Open DevinBayly opened 5 days ago

DevinBayly commented 5 days ago

doing some image processing to look into various attributes of the images we’ve already gathered

DevinBayly commented 5 days ago

not too long ago I set up a U-net to do some auto encoding, and could try to do the same thing again. the main consideration is that we need to decide how we are going to normalize the images that are different sizes and different color systems (bw vs rgb)

DevinBayly commented 5 days ago

my thought is to resize them all to be a constant width x height, and in the black vs white I guess we can say that we add extra color channels that are all the same value to pad out the original bw image that was (1 x h x w ) to become ( 3 x h x w ) where the 3 is for the rgb