Visceral-Project / EvaluateSegmentation

A program to evaluate the quality of image segmentations.
Apache License 2.0
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full help message does not show when running `EvaluateSegmentation -help` #16

Open kaczmarj opened 2 years ago

kaczmarj commented 2 years ago

when I run EvaluateSegmentation -help, I do not see the full help message. i did some debugging and the problem is related to the for loop referenced below:

in other words, the following section is not shown in the help message:

-default or -def =reads default options from a file default.txt in the current folder. All the options above except image filenames can be used as defaults. Default options are overridden by options given in the command line.

/usr/local/bin/EvaluateSegmentation groundtruth.nii segment.nii -use RNDIND,HDRFDST@0.96@,FMEASR@0.5@ -xml result.xml

2)For help on evaluation of landmark, type: /usr/local/bin/EvaluateSegmentation -loc 
3)For help on lesion detection evaluation, type: /usr/local/bin/EvaluateSegmentation -det 

  ---** VISCERAL 2013, **---

i was able to fix it with the following, but this isn't a true fix, because there must be an underlying issue somewhere else.

if (i == (METRIC_COUNT-1)) {

previous versions of this tool did not have this issue (for example, the earlier builds in the builds directory). But the most recent Ubuntu build does have this problem.

i don't know c/c++, so i'm afraid i can't help much with debugging further.