Visceral-Project / EvaluateSegmentation

A program to evaluate the quality of image segmentations.
Apache License 2.0
313 stars 87 forks source link

add Dockerfile #9

Closed kaczmarj closed 2 years ago

kaczmarj commented 3 years ago

Docker provides a standard method of installing software. This Dockerfile compiles and installs ITK and EvaluateSegmentation and allows users to easily build and use EvaluateSegmentation on any system with Docker, including Linux, macOS, and Windows.

I noticed the instructions to build ITK and this software were not complete, and the addition of this Dockerfile should make it easier for users to build and use this program.

This Docker image uses the Alpine Linux distribution to provide a lightweight image. The image is only 25.6 MB.

The image can be built with

docker build --tag evaluatesegmentation --build-arg MAKE_JOBS=6 .

The MAKE_JOBS argument provides make --jobs=$MAKE_JOBS for multi-process jobs. The default is a single-process make.

A pre-built image is available at kaczmarj/evaluatesegmentation

docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/data kaczmarj/evaluatesegmentation /data/reference.nii.gz /data/segmentation.nii.gz