Vishwajith-Shettigar / NextGen

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[Enhancement] Separate remote database operation from domain module. #35

Open Vishwajith-Shettigar opened 2 months ago

Vishwajith-Shettigar commented 2 months ago

Separate remote database operation from domain module.

Right now our remote data queries are placed in domain module, so migrate those into data module and make sure data layer work with domain logic.

rubenquadros commented 1 month ago

Can you give a bit more context? Maybe link the file/files? Did not get what needs to be changed

Vishwajith-Shettigar commented 1 month ago

@rubenquadros, You can see that we're currently performing Firebase operations in the domain module, which doesn't align with the clean architecture pattern. Therefore, migrate all Firebase operations to the data module while retaining some of the logic in the domain module.