Closed JohnMillerVDOT closed 3 years ago
Here is the key module code for modeling the power-transformed DVMT and then transforming it (for metropolitan areas). The code wrapped in the "as.vector" function call applies the model. The code following that function call does the transformation: AveDvmt[IsUr] <- as.vector(eval(parse(text = DvmtModel_ls$Metro$Ave), envir = Hhdf[IsUr,])) ^ (1 / DvmtModel_ls$Metro$Pow)
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. So let's say the "Total" in the above table (fourth line from the bottom) is computed as 2.70595 and that the Metropolitan Power Transform (third line from the bottom) is 0.24 as shown in the Wiki. Is the DVMT then found to be 8.043 (second line from the bottom)? Best, John Miller 434-327-2380 is cell or 434-293-1999
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. So let's say the "Total" in the above table (fourth line from the bottom) is computed as 2.70595 and that the Metropolitan Power Transform (third line from the bottom) is 0.24 as shown in the Wiki. Is the DVMT then found to be 8.043 (second line from the bottom)? Best, John Miller 434-327-2380 is cell or 434-293-1999
Since 0.24 is the power that was used to transform household DVMT in the model estimation to 'normalize' the distribution, the inverse (1/0.24 = 4.16667) is the power used to convert the power-transformed DVMT prediction produced by the linear model. The household DVMT is therefore 2.70595^4.16667 = 63.28981
Thank you so much--that clarifies the computation immensely!
One item we want to double check in the CalculateHouseholdDvmt Module is the manner in which household DVMT is calculated. The Github Wiki (see indicates that the following parameter values give an estimate of metropolitan household VMT. However, we are not able to replicate these calculations. For example, in the table below, the left two columns show the parameter values associated with the “metropolitan household power-transformed travel day DVMT linear model” from the Wiki, the next column shows the value for one particular household used by VDOT, and the right column shows the product. The sum of these rows (2.70595) should represent a power-transformed household DVMT. If we did this correctly, we estimate a very low household DVMT of about 8.043—but VisionEval reports a larger (and more reasonable!) value of 20.26281. By any chance, is the reason for the difference because the power transformation used by VisionEval differs from what we have inferred? (The Wiki notes a power transformation with a coefficient of 0.24 is used but does not provide a formula. We are guessing that VisionEval uses a one-parameter Box-Cox transformation, so that if DVMT were 8.043, one would compute 8.043 raised to the power of 0.24, then subtract 1, then divide the result by 0.24 to get 2.70595 as the transformed value presumably used in the regression. But maybe VisionEval does something different?)
Thanks! John Miller (434-293-1999 is office)