VisionEval / VisionEval-Dev

Development version of VisionEval framework
Apache License 2.0
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Error: hcl_palettes #190

Closed brycecurtismiller closed 1 year ago

brycecurtismiller commented 1 year ago

Installed VisionEval fresh and reverted my global options R version to 4.1.3, but when I get to "vr$run()" in "01-install.R", I get a failed run and a warning message of... "S3 methods ‘plot.hcl_palettes’, ‘print.hcl_palettes’, ‘summary.hcl_palettes’ were declared in NAMESPACE but not found".

In the log outputs in the console, there's a further error that says, "[Error]: Error in namespaceExport(ns, exports) : undefined exports: HLS, HSV, LAB, LUV, RGB, XYZ, adjust_transparency, ...." ...and so on through a long list of what look like function names.

Any ideas what's not lining up or getting installed correctly?

brycecurtismiller commented 1 year ago

Figured it out. It's what happens when you try and run the code from a One Drive folder instead of a folder local to the machine.