VisionLearningGroup / R-C3D

code for R-C3D
MIT License
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<Thumos experiment> the dropout layer in train.prototxt was cancelled ,but i found overfitting when trying to test my caffemodel by using #63

Open fanxx17 opened 3 years ago

fanxx17 commented 3 years ago

the dropout layer in train.prototxt was cancelled ,but i found overfitting when trying to test my caffemodel by using however,the caffemodel provided in Thumos's has beautiful performance. Does train.prototxt really nead dropout layer when you train Thumos? thank you for your reply ... }

layer {

name: "drop6"

type: "Dropout"

bottom: "fc6"

top: "fc6"

dropout_param {

dropout_ratio: 0.5


