Finalize working support for celery executor and multiprocess logging
Breaks can be misrepresented in ThreadPoolExecutor, resulting in log messages appearing to come from the wrong zone.
Added to settings
Added zone to logging
Added color formatter to logging
Added Debug4 level to logging
Added terra.tests.demo app and service for testing config file in.
Terra demo app auto added to celery apps
TERRA_KEEP_TEMP_DIR env var to keep temp autogenerated files for debugging
Celery has a fourth zone known as task_controller for the celery worker's
Executors have a volume map translation too
Task kwargs and returns values are can have map translation applied to them
Each run of a terra app gets assigned a UUID, settings.terra.uuid
All multi processing processes use a TCP server for sending logs, using
settings.logging.server.hostname and settings.logging.server.port
Settings can be pickled
terra.logging.LogRecordStreamHandler to log out to TCP
terra.logging.LogRecordSocketReceiver to run a threaded server to receive TCP
log messages
Terra's own task class, terra.task.TerraTask
TERRA_CELERY_MAIN_NAME is now auto deteremined by default. It only has to be
set if the main App CLI is a built-in (aka compiled python module) which is
not typical.
Computes are now responsible for configuring and reconfiguring the logger for
controller and runners zones
Executors are now responsible for configuring and reconfiguring the logger
for task zones
Executor and compute volume maps are stored in settings now.
Settings files dumped during processing contain the uuid, to make determining
which run is which easier.
All executors (including thread/process) inherit from
Celery CLI is no longer called directly, instead terra.executor.celery should
be called
Celery logging facilities are disabled, only terra logging used now
Runner and tasks no longer output log messages to stderr. Instead the master
controller will output the runner's and task's messages (received via TCP)
itself, to stderr.
Uncaught exceptions stack traces now have a header with the hostname and zone
Uncaught exceptions are no longer printed twice due to logging
logging file_handler -> main_log_handler
hostname, zone, and other logging settings set with filters instead of
formatters or "extra" variables, it is a more universal entrypoint for adding
Tasks should now be decorated with terra.task.shared_task
Bug Fixes
Fixed new? bug on CI with flake8 being run in the wrong directory, not finding
the config file all of a sudden
Fixed typos in Redis command secret file variable names, causing the wrong
variable to be used
Added celery as a dependency of terra
Removed invalid password characters from auto generated redis password
Docker compute use non-TTY containers, to fix a stdout nl/cr bug
Remove duplicated volumes in singularity
Not setting the virtualenv_dir in virtualenv compute now issues a warning
Fixed tilde expantion in settings.
Celery shutdown uses a tuple of self._futures to create a copy of futures and
prevent a race condition
Catch file not existing when deleting tmp_file
Check to see if any test permanently modifies os.environ by accident
Refactors test cases so settings, logging and other specical cases are all
handled by Test Cases classes in terra.tests.utils
TestSettingsUnconfiguredCase prepares terra.core.settings, but leaves it
TestSettingsConfiguredCase, same as TestSettingsUnconfiguredCase, but
configures it using an empty dictionary.
TestLoggerCase - An Unconfigured Settings case, that uses a modified temp dir
function so that all temp files are created in the test dir, preventing /tmp
from being spammed with temp terra log files. Also mocks the TCP server so the
TCP server thread is not actually started.
TestComputeCase - Allows for a compute backend to be loaded
TestExecutorCase - Allows for an executor backend to be loaded.
TestSignalCase - Enables signals. By default, signals are disabled for all
unit tests.
TestLoggerConfigureCase - Test logging with settings configured and signals
enabled, but TCP Server is still disabled.
Finalize working support for celery executor and multiprocess logging
can be misrepresented in ThreadPoolExecutor, resulting in log messages appearing to come from the wrong zone.Added
Bug Fixes