Due to this matter, the results of the vrtTrack command are different screen sizes between Open Mode and Run Mode, resulting in an error from VRT as the different screen sizes cannot be compared.
There is a simple workaround to this, that is to add the screen-size-manipulation plugin in the same export as the VRT plugin, but would prefer to be able to keep them separately.
Adding the VRT plugin, as per the example in the readme: https://github.com/Visual-Regression-Tracker/agent-cypress#add-plugin
Will conflict with other plugins required for some specific cases, for example a plugin created to allow the manipulation of the screen size in run mode: https://docs.cypress.io/api/plugins/browser-launch-api#Set-screen-size-when-running-headless
Due to this matter, the results of the vrtTrack command are different screen sizes between Open Mode and Run Mode, resulting in an error from VRT as the different screen sizes cannot be compared.
There is a simple workaround to this, that is to add the screen-size-manipulation plugin in the same export as the VRT plugin, but would prefer to be able to keep them separately.
This issue might be coming from the fact that the VRT plugin is exported by and then ran by plugins file as a function, instead a module export, as per here: https://github.com/Visual-Regression-Tracker/agent-cypress/blob/c8f4775cef10d17bf7df5abdd3064f09fd7fe40d/lib/plugin.js#L8
Would be glad to know your thoughts and if you might have a quick-win solution for this one 🙂