VisualDataWeb / WebVOWL

Visualizing ontologies on the Web
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Inconsistent treatment of domain and range #172

Open wouterbeek opened 3 years ago

wouterbeek commented 3 years ago

WebVOWL currently treats domain classes in a different way than range classes. For the following example:

prefix : <>

  rdfs:domain :From;
  rdfs:range :To.

WebVOWL will display the :To class but not the :From class.

Expected: classes specified in domain and range to be treated/visualized in a similar way.

Workaround: add at least one statement about the :From class (e.g., :From a owl:Class).

gabriellopes commented 3 years ago

It's okay, actually...

rdfs:domain a rdf:Property ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
    rdfs:label "domain" ;
    rdfs:comment "A domain of the subject property." ;
    rdfs:range rdfs:Class ;
    rdfs:domain rdf:Property. 

from (

the rdfs:domain of rdfs:domain Property isn't defined as a rdfs:Class, but a rdf:Property. Otherwise, I guess, it wouldn't be able to state a Property that is it's own property as well. without having deadlocks of reasoning.

So, the Reasoning on WEBVOWL can't state :From as a rdfs:Class, but as a rdf:Property.

C ya, gl hf

wouterbeek commented 3 years ago

@gabriellopes In my example, :simple is an instance of rdf:Property, while :From and :To are instances of rdfs:Class. The issue that I am reporting is that :To is displayed as a class (= correct), but :From is not (= incorrect).

gabriellopes commented 3 years ago

@gabriellopes In my example, :simple is an instance of rdf:Property, while :From and :To are instances of rdfs:Class. The issue that I am reporting is that :To is displayed as a class (= correct), but :From is not (= incorrect).

Where did you state that :From and :To are both classes? Because I think if it depends on the reasoning for solving that, the reasoner is going to conclude that :From is a rdf:Property instead, as the expected object for rdfs:domain class as default is a rdf:Property.


wouterbeek commented 3 years ago

@gabriellopes I do not understand your remarks. :From and :To are clearly classes in my example. This is even stated in the snippet that you shared earlier (the rdfs:range of rdfs:domain is rdfs:Class).

gabriellopes commented 3 years ago

@wouterbeek sorry, my fault. I misunderstood your problem..

wouterbeek commented 3 years ago

@gabriellopes No problem! Just making sure we're on the same page ;-)

nandikajain commented 2 years ago

@wouterbeek Can I take up this issue?

prantikaC commented 7 hours ago

has there been a solution to this?