VisualDataWeb / WebVOWL

Visualizing ontologies on the Web
MIT License
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Subproperty hierarchy not visualized #173

Open wouterbeek opened 3 years ago

wouterbeek commented 3 years ago

Whenever a dataset contains a subproperty hierarchy, WebVOWL seems unable to visualize this. While this could be thought of a feature, subproperty hierarchies are very common in Linked Data, and display support is part of the VOWL specification (

Here is a minimal Turtle snippet that illustrates the problem. (To ensure that we do not run into #172, I have added basis assertions for :From and :To.)

prefix : <>
prefix rdfs: <>

  rdfs:subPropertyOf :parent.

  rdfs:domain :From;
  rdfs:range :To.

  a owl:Class;
  rdfs:label "From"@en.

  a owl:Class;
  rdfs:label "To"@en.

The child property is visualized in isolation from the parent property, and in isolation from the domain and range classes:

Screenshot from 2020-08-05 19-24-17

nandikajain commented 2 years ago

@vitalis-wiens Can I work on this issue?