VisualNeuroscience-UH / CxSystem2

Version 2 of the cortex simulation software.
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link exception not working #82

Closed sivanni closed 4 years ago

sivanni commented 4 years ago

Vafa -- check the last comment first to save time :) I run cxsystem2 from command line, but it gives error due to value error which it does not understand as int. This is probably easy to fix (and I will), but probably there is some logic which fails, too. So I will make the correction, but can u Vafa check it.

(simuenv) PS C:\Users\Simo\Laskenta\Models\SchwabeModel\config_files> cxsystem2 -a .\exported_anatomy_example_short.csv -p .\exported_physiology_example_short.csv

sivanni commented 4 years ago

can be solved by int(eval('True')), by adding the eval. I will do it in my branch but can u Vafa pls check the logic

sivanni commented 4 years ago

The corrected versions are in branch macv1, if u can Vafa check and pull to master if u agree.

Vafa-Andalibi commented 4 years ago

merged in 8d56217a5d6e6e8193f779f886f2042027e96f5f