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Error highlighting is out of step #1

Closed danwalmsley closed 9 years ago

danwalmsley commented 9 years ago

As you type errors are indicated, but sometimes it doesn't re-check the last change.

danwalmsley commented 9 years ago

Unable to reproduce on current build, but will keep open and look out for this in the coming days.

danwalmsley commented 9 years ago

Found the bug, need to reparse the file, marking TU as dirty and using this to indicate.

This has pointed out that the run diagnostics method uses up far too much time on the UI thread, this will need to be fixed, raising another issue.

This issue will be left open until that is fixed, and to keep an eye on the fix implemented here.

danwalmsley commented 9 years ago

Still cropping up, will wait for #42 to be completed as this will re-model how this works.

danwalmsley commented 9 years ago

I think this is caused by diagnostics still running when it triggers a re-run, then it exits straight away. We need to rethink the cancellation strategy.

danwalmsley commented 9 years ago

Some kind of feedback when cancellation has been accepted, etc Or a task that can be instantly terminated (could be unsafe?)

danwalmsley commented 9 years ago

Perhaps queue up runs and Clear the queue once new ones are added. I.e.only ever allowed a single queue waiting. Could actuallly be a flag. Clearwd at begining of run, if it is true at end of cancel Or completion tjen runagain.

danwalmsley commented 9 years ago

This has now finally been fixed.