VitalProject / Windows-RemoteShadow

Remote Shadow Using Windows built in software
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How to specify session #4

Open L1mbusFr1ng3 opened 8 months ago

L1mbusFr1ng3 commented 8 months ago

Your tool is AMAZING. This is exactly what I need inside the current organization I am working for. I may even add some features or customize it for the company at some point. And of course, I will share any changes I make. If you have ever seen Splice Admin - that is some of the stuff I want to add. But I digress.

The README says you must specify session. How do I even specify the session? ComputerName session# did not work. And if there is only 1 active session on the computer and I don't specify the session it still gives me the error "The specified session is not connected" And I did make the changes via GPO to allow and with no consent, When I shadow from the command line it works so I know its not a configuration issue on my end. I just need to know how to specify session.

Also what would be amazing is if you add a way to list all active sessions on a given computer name. Then I could use that (if I know how to specify the session on the main GUI screen. Or, even better, if you double click the user in an active session list and it will shadow with no consent. Or ask if you want consent or control or not.

Honestly if you can add those features I would happily pay you for the time. I really need this functionality for management at work. Let me know if any of this is possible. Or, at the bare minimum how do I specify session. And can your computer list specify sessions somehow.

Thank you so much, Eric

Mentaleak commented 8 months ago

I reviewed the code as its been a few years. It does appear that I had put the feature in the code but not in the GUI. I did see that you also commented on another users "Remote Shadow Administration" tool and asked specifically about language. A brief glance at that made it appear that its much more robust than this one. It also appeared that specifically the version in the link below may be in English.

If you still want me to add the session connection option to the GUI of this let me know and I can take a look.

L1mbusFr1ng3 commented 8 months ago

Oh man, thanks for the english one. I thought I had found an english version one time from my laptop when I was researching this. Was beginning to think I hallucinated that. Thanks for pointing this one out. I don't think I can use this one because it requires WinRM and a few other things. I will take a look and potentially test this one more. Has a lot of nifty extras. Again, I don't think it will fit the bill.

Now your script can do exactly what I want! I may even one day modify it to list per host pool. That would be a great feature to have. There is another script that does thsat (I posted an issue on this) where it freezes the whole script whien switching between host pools. So that one is also out.

So, yes, if you could add this functionality then I will test it right away. If you do this and/or any of the other itemls I mentioned - I am happy to send over a nice donation of your choosing. Let me know your thoughts and thank you for theprompt follow up.

Best, Eric +1 323 382-1944

L1mbusFr1ng3 commented 8 months ago

P.S. One of the two use cases are multi-session AVD hosts. So, I'd need to be able to identify a list of active user sessions - in the amazing list you have generate which loads remarkably quick and well. Would be cool if you just double click an active session in that list and it connects and shadows according to what boxes you have checked on the first screen. That would be my ideal setup.

Then there is one more thing but let's see if we can get the shadowing a session working the way we want, and you mentioned. From there we can chat more about another 2 minor tweaks - maybe even for a different version forked by/for me. Or maybe both have everything built in. Let's discuss once round 1 is working. Thanks again!