Vitaliy-1 / oldGregg

Theme for OJS 3 with Bootstrap 4
GNU General Public License v3.0
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request from the user to agree to the terms of the privacy policy #61

Closed sbirAECA closed 5 years ago

sbirAECA commented 6 years ago

Good morning Vitaliy My name is Carlos from Spain. First I want to thank you for all this oldGregg theme. It is really an excelent job I am involved into the process of migrating from ojs2 to ojs3 and I am testing your theme. With the new version OJS 3.1.1-1 there is a commit from lib/pkp including a request from the user to agree to the terms of the privacy policy, and this is affecting to your userRegister.tpl (

Here is the the code:

        <fieldset class="consent">
            {* Require the user to agree to the terms of the privacy policy *}
            <div class="fields">
                <div class="optin optin-privacy">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="privacyConsent" value="1"{if $privacyConsent} checked="checked"{/if}>
                        {capture assign="privacyUrl"}{url router=$smarty.const.ROUTE_PAGE page="about" op="privacy"}{/capture}
                        {translate key="user.register.form.privacyConsent" privacyUrl=$privacyUrl}
            {* Ask the user to opt into public email notifications *}
            <div class="fields">
                <div class="optin optin-email">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="emailConsent" value="1"{if $emailConsent} checked="checked"{/if}>
                        {translate key="user.register.form.emailConsent"}

Best regards Carlos

PS I saw with OJS3 when rendering the reference list there are two options: 1 taking the whole list (it is recorded into citation field of the submissions table) 2 taking the parsered list and every record can be rendered with a link (citations table)

this is the code at templates/frontend/objects/article_details.tpl

      {* References *}
      {if $parsedCitations->getCount() || $article->getCitations()}
          <div class="item references">
              <h3 class="label">
                  {translate key="submission.citations"}
              <div class="value">
                  {if $parsedCitations->getCount()}
                      {iterate from=parsedCitations item=parsedCitation}
                          <p>{$parsedCitation->getCitationWithLinks()|strip_unsafe_html} {call_hook name="Templates::Article::Details::Reference" citation=$parsedCitation}</p>
                  {elseif $article->getCitations()}
mo574216 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I have encountered the same issue on my website. Is there any schedule to fix it?

Vitaliy-1 commented 6 years ago

Does this solve a problem:

anupent commented 6 years ago

@Vitaliy-1 , it solves. However, no ideas about the references. Does it matter to those who used this theme?

Vitaliy-1 commented 6 years ago

Right now those references will be shown if JATS XML doesn't have own reference block.

anupent commented 6 years ago

For eg, if we have only abstract (where references won't be shown from XML), will references be visible using this theme with this modification in articleOnlyAbstract.tpl?

sbirAECA commented 6 years ago

Yes anupent, you are right. It's supposed people are recording the reference list in plain-text (table->submissions; field->citations) and at the end of submission process the editor decides to parse the references (now they are recorded at table->citations; field->raw_citation). For those people who aren't uploading xml-jats galley, at least the have the links of their references. and also that is the case for people that aren' incluiding the at the in xml-jats

sbirAECA commented 6 years ago

sorry ... aren't incluiding the 'ref-list' at the 'back' in xml-jats

sbirAECA commented 6 years ago

You can see at

sbirAECA commented 6 years ago

Here you have the articleOnlyAbstract.tpl.diff

diff --git a/plugins/themes/oldGregg/templates/frontend/objects/articleOnlyAbstract.tpl b/plugins/themes/oldGregg/templates/frontend/objects/articleOnlyAbstract.tpl
index 2da3bae..3bea8bf 100755
--- a/plugins/themes/oldGregg/templates/frontend/objects/articleOnlyAbstract.tpl
+++ b/plugins/themes/oldGregg/templates/frontend/objects/articleOnlyAbstract.tpl
@@ -46,16 +46,20 @@
         <div class="tab-content" id="nav-tabContent">
             <div class="tab-pane fade" id="nav-references" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="nav-references-tab">
-                {* References *}
-                {if $article->getCitations()}
-                    <div class="references">
-                        <div class="value">
-                            {if $article->getCitations()}
-                                {$article->getCitations()|nl2br}
-                            {/if}
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-                {/if}
+               {* References *}
+               {if $parsedCitations->getCount() || $article->getCitations()}
+                   <div class="references">
+                       <div class="value">
+                           {if $parsedCitations->getCount()}
+                               {iterate from=parsedCitations item=parsedCitation}
+                                   <p>{$parsedCitation->getCitationWithLinks()|strip_unsafe_html} {call_hook name="Templates::Article::Details::Reference" citation=$parsedCitation}</p>
+                               {/iterate}
+                           {elseif $article->getCitations()}
+                               {$article->getCitations()|nl2br}
+                           {/if}
+                       </div>
+                   </div>
+               {/if}               
             <div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="nav-download" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="nav-download-tab">
                 {if $primaryGalleys}