Vitek-Lab / MSstatsPTM

Post Translational Modification (PTM) Significance Analysis in shotgun mass spectrometry-based proteomic experiments
Artistic License 2.0
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Adding Plotly feature to MSstatsPTM with Error Handling #91

Open deril2605 opened 6 months ago

deril2605 commented 6 months ago

Adding new Plotly library to MSstatsPTM to render Plotly plots back to MSstatsShiny app. The new parameter isPlotly to dataProcessPlotsPTM and groupComparisonPlotsPTM function handles this. If isPlotly is set to FALSE, it behaves normally (renders ggPlots).

In git diff, all the lines in the files appears to be changed. Devon and I identified this problem as issues with line endings. Below is a possible approach to fix it

There is this homebrew package dos2unix that converts file endings to what we need. Here is a test that I did