Viva-con-Agua / bloob-frontend

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Choose sender email address #3

Open tombiers opened 5 years ago

tombiers commented 5 years ago

An author may choose between multiple sender addresses when sending mail. The role of the author determines the available sender addresses. An authors role has to be received from drops. A mapping of roles to sender addresses is required. The addresses available to the author will be presented as a selection to the author.

tombiers commented 5 years ago

needs a basic back-end with oauth, to access the data of the current user see the vuex store from stream on how to handle the current user

tombiers commented 5 years ago

needs a db table (backend) to map roles/rights to email addresses only send email addresses that the current user is allowed to use to the frontend needs an extra (admin) view to configure available email addresses and access rights

tombiers commented 5 years ago

access rights to email addresses should me kept in drops an email access rights db in bloob-backend is only a temporary solution until it is available in drops

tombiers commented 5 years ago

email access rights db is now available in bloob-backend and can be accessed with REST

tombiers commented 5 years ago

save response from server (all email addresses available to the current user) in vuex

tombiers commented 5 years ago

admin view needs an additional field to enter a pillar for volunteer manager role, this should only be visible when volunteer manager is selected

tombiers commented 5 years ago

use a select field for user roles (available roles hardcoded + i18n support) roles: supporter, employee, admin, volunteer manager, volunteer manager - education/network/finance/operation

tombiers commented 5 years ago

use widget to select a crew when adding access rights