ViveSoftware / SharedSpaceExperience

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Multiplayer Marker Scanning #1

Open Enferium opened 12 months ago

Enferium commented 12 months ago


I've followed your tutorial to build the APK, and the app launches successfully. Both headsets (xr elite) can connect to the chosen server without any issues.

However, I've encountered an issue with the marker scanning process. (It's quite challenging to scan the marker, and sometimes the marker isn't positioned correctly, but it still somewhat functions.)

The problem arises when the host scans the marker and selects it, clicking "Next." At this point, both players are immediately sent to the game without prompting the second player to scan the marker. Consequently, both players end up in the wrong positions.

Could you please guide me on whether I missed a step or configuration that should prompt the second player to scan the marker? Any tips or suggestions for improving marker detection would be greatly appreciated as well.

Thank you for this repo :)

Francisco-Tsao commented 4 months ago

Hi @Enferium,

Sorry for the late reply. We recently made a major update to this project, and the issue you described may have been resolved.

What has been changed:

If you are still interested in this project, please give it a try!