ViveSoftware / ViveInputUtility-Unity

A toolkit that helps developing/prototyping VR apps.
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WaveVR SDK is missing #if UNITY_ANDROID ... #endif defines around its code #119

Closed wirelessdreamer closed 5 years ago

wirelessdreamer commented 5 years ago

multi platform compilation of projects that include wavevr sdk fail. wrapping files from it so its only included on android would be a clean solution.

chengnay commented 5 years ago

How could I reproduce this issue? How many SDK you have imported for your project?

wirelessdreamer commented 5 years ago

import WaveVR SDK into a project, target windows with the project and try to compile it.

chengnay commented 5 years ago

It is not recommended to have other platform's SDKs included in your project while compiling. Unused SDKs will take up space while you build your project into an executable file. If you still think adding #if UNITY_ANDROID ... #endif to WaveVR SDK is necessary, please submit a case for them in WaveVR SDK forum.

wirelessdreamer commented 5 years ago

having the platform sdk so its pre-processor is what enables in for its platform helps to negate that issue, as none of the code for it is is compiled into the resulting binary :)