ViveSoftware / ViveInputUtility-Unity

A toolkit that helps developing/prototyping VR apps.
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Error: Duplicate device ID 129 detected - when running in editor using Oculus Link #248

Open Pjchardt opened 1 year ago

Pjchardt commented 1 year ago

I get the below error each time I run in editor with Quest hooked up through Oculus Link. Hands do not track. This is not an issue when I build to Quest.

InvalidOperationException: Duplicate device ID 129 detected for devices 'VIUSyntheticDeviceLayoutBodyRole18' and 'VIUSyntheticDeviceLayoutBodyRole17'
UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputManager.AssignUniqueDeviceId (UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputDevice device) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.inputsystem@1.4.4/InputSystem/InputManager.cs:2035)

I recently upgraded a number of packages on this project as it was fairly out of date. Below are package versions. I am running in editor switched to Android platform

Unity 2021.3.16 VIU 1.17.0 XR Plugin 4.2.1 Oculus XR 3.2.3 OpenXR 1.5.3

chengnay commented 1 year ago

Hi @Pjchardt, Could you provide a sample project which has the same symptom for further investigation? Did you import Oculus Integration SDK?

Pjchardt commented 1 year ago

Hi @chengnay. I managed to resolve the error...unfortunately I don't know what I did, or how to replicate the steps, to help you resolve the underlying issue. I suspect my project got into a bad state while I was updating the various packages I mentioned in my original post (I did import the Oculus SDK).