Open Ayfel opened 6 years ago
Oh let me say both rendertextures are the same for the right and left eyes, in the sense that both have the bars in the top and right
So, I've had similar issues using OVR instead of SteamVR. And I've found that, using the same hmd (Oculus Rift S), OVR returns different render width and height the SteamVR. Which leads me to believe that the problem is on Oculus's side and not a bug of this tool.
It is actually the Asymmetric Field of View I believe of the Oculus sdk, no luck with it active... (this should be taking into account by this tool to support that assymetric FOV specifically)
Oculus renders wrongly. I tested this and the problem is from the oclus "mask", as such in my mirror the image presents black borders in the right side when looking left. I attach pictures of the rendertextures of the stereorenderer , the top and right borders is what is creating this. I believe this might be part of the projection matrix of the sdk, since you can see a similar thing when testing on vive but with the regular "eye shpaed" mask.