VivekPa / IntroNeuralNetworks

Introducing neural networks to predict stock prices
MIT License
735 stars 207 forks source link and doesnt print #4

Open sword134 opened 4 years ago

sword134 commented 4 years ago

Hello! I am trying to figure out why neither models print any output. I ran and it created the correct csv file with data. I then ran and again with no problems. However when I run or MLP_model-py it epochs the data and so on and finishes with no error messages, however it doesnt print anything either.

sword134 commented 4 years ago

I tried changing the bottom line of code in to this

data = pdr.get_data_yahoo("AAPL", "2017-12-19", "2018-01-12")
stock = data["Adj Close"]
X_predict = np.array(stock).reshape((1, 10, 1)) / 200

predicter = model.predict(X_predict)*200

I now get the following error "Traceback (most recent call last): File "d:\Tradingsystems\RNN\IntroNeuralNetworks-master\", line 37, in X_predict = np.array(stock).reshape((1, 10)) / 200 ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 268 into shape (1,10)"