VividCortex / angular-recaptcha

AngularJS directive to add a reCaptcha widget to your form
MIT License
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Any parameter to change error messages? #161

Open AmarieEA opened 8 years ago

AmarieEA commented 8 years ago

Is there any option for angular-recptcha to set custom error messages?

Like this:

<script type= "text/javascript">
var RecaptchaOptions = {
   custom_translations : { incorrect_try_again : "You did it wrong, try again." }

TheSharpieOne commented 8 years ago

Unfortunately it looks like Google has not added that ability to the new version which this library supports. The link you used is for the old recaptcha, see for the new documentation.

reduardo7 commented 8 years ago

Maybe this problem is solved with, only for translate.