VividWeb / vivid_store

Free eCommerce Add-on For Concrete5 5.7
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Configureable Product Page #95

Open krebbi opened 8 years ago

krebbi commented 8 years ago

Just asking myself what would be the best way to have a fully configureable product page. one option is to make the vivid_product block editable and the other option would be splitting the product into several blocks and work with a page template. the last option would be more flexible in terms of adding more features like galleries or whatever.

what do you think and do you need some help here?

brucewyne commented 8 years ago

Personally I think it's pretty flexible as is, at least for the content currently available for the product. You can easily go to the page type, select a different custom template, select the product information to show...

I'm open to hearing additional thoughts though.

krebbi commented 8 years ago

/dashboard/pages/types/output/ of the Page Type "Product Page" is not configureable so it's more a pure coding thing to adjust the layout & design of the product page. Or maybe have the template choosable on "Detail Page" in /dashboard/store/products/edit/ in the first place?

brucewyne commented 8 years ago

You are correct that it's somewhat of a code thing. It's not quite "configurable" as much as it's you can make any block template you'd like and select the default template output here.

I do think it might be a good idea to explore possibly choosing the block template though at the product level. Could be cool.

brucewyne commented 8 years ago

Also - just realized we're not allowing you to select which Page Template you can use at the creation of the Product/Page #110

brucewyne commented 8 years ago

I don't want the product block itself configuring the design/layout. I think that makes the view.php way too messy and complicated. Which is what 5.6 eCommerce suffers from. I think the thing to do here is