VizierDB / web-api-async

Vizier Asynchronous Web API
Apache License 2.0
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Use the new /query/table Mimir API (closes #82

Closed okennedy closed 4 years ago

okennedy commented 4 years ago


SparkSQL doesn't support offset. There's a hack based on Sequence number annotation that we used to use in Mimir 1, but that's no longer present/needed in Mimir 2. introduced the /query/table endpoint in the Mimir API, which allows direct lookups to a table / view definition, including paged access via offset/limit. This push migrates the main Mimir datset accessors (i.e., vizier.datastore.mimir.dataset) to this new table API. As a side effect, this should make the table lookups more resilient to naming issues in tables/columns, since we no longer have to go through SQL and the associated challenges in escaping/capitalizing identifiers.