Vizonex / Winloop

An Alternative library for uvloop compatability with windows
Apache License 2.0
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Original shutdown_default_executor() from uvloop. #25

Closed lschoe closed 1 month ago

lschoe commented 1 month ago

Original code seems fine, and also has keyword argument timeout, which functions as the dummy used to resolve #21.

lschoe commented 1 month ago

Maybe function shutdown_default_executor() was changed for certain reasons in the past. But I don't see a reason now why the original code from uvloop cannot simply be used. The original function has the optional timeout parameter (hence the dummy is not needed).

@Vizonex Do you think so as well?

Vizonex commented 1 month ago

@lschoe just had a look at the code let me merge your changes

lschoe commented 1 month ago

Thx @Vizonex! This helps to zoom in on the essential code parts that you have developed to realize uvloop on Windows. The cause for #18 is still open, but there is no real hurry with that one.

Would be nice to bring winloop\loop.pyx and uvloop/loop.pyx closer together, aiming for an ultimate merge.

lschoe commented 1 month ago

Forgot to say this. With the winloop source more closely following the uvloop source, it will also be easier for a uvloop developer to decide if/how winloop can be merged with uvloop. Hopefully;)