Adds proof of concept for a simple table validator available via the command line.
usage: LMIPy [-h] [-p PATH] [-i ID] [-s SLUG] [-v [VERBOSE]] {validate_table}
positional arguments:
{validate_table} function to run
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PATH, --path PATH relative path of ids_json
-i ID, --id ID entity id
-s SLUG, --slug SLUG entity slug for determining type
-v [VERBOSE], --verbose [VERBOSE]
activate verbose mode
To do
[x] - Add option to test all tables by sending a path to a json file
[ ] - Move validators to Table class methods
[ ] - Restructure package to better separate future validators from class objects and utils
[ ] - Add method for automatic validation on Table class construction
Adds proof of concept for a simple table validator available via the command line.
To do