[x] world map with country (get TopoJSON, careful with projection)
[x] biome and state maps (IDs already in endpoint)
[x] state map: reuse municipalities TopoJSON but isolate state
[ ] Add dropdowns
[ ] 1st table: table selector + add more tables to API
[ ] deforestation trajectory: mock JSON with several lines (include line styles)
[ ] chords diagrams: add interactivity
[ ] chord diagrams: change matrix to have other municipalities in state + find a way to indicate what is the selected node in the matrix
[ ] change tables for lines (reuse place format) + add more lines/countries for the map + map buckets --> for both countries and muncipalities/states/biomes
[ ] extract legend component from Tool page and reuse
Place: Maps: http://datamaps.github.io/
[x] world map with country (get TopoJSON, careful with projection)
[x] biome and state maps (IDs already in endpoint)
[x] state map: reuse municipalities TopoJSON but isolate state
[ ] Add dropdowns
[ ] 1st table: table selector + add more tables to API
[ ] deforestation trajectory: mock JSON with several lines (include line styles)
[ ] chords diagrams: add interactivity
[ ] chord diagrams: change matrix to have other municipalities in state + find a way to indicate what is the selected node in the matrix